The Unknown

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Eren slipped into his room and closed the door. He couldn't believe Miche had said that! It's so embarrassing! He thought as he went to his closet to grab his clothes and change. He made his way to the bathroom and started stripping out of his clothes. Once out of his pants he started going through the pockets to make sure nothing was left in them before he threw them in the hamper.

His slim fingers ran across something slightly rough and flimsy. His brows pulled together as he pulled out the object which happened to be a piece of paper. The brunette flipped it around observing it before he opened it. His eyes widened slightly as his heart picked up speed.

Sadly baby boy I won't be able to put you to bed..... tonight at least. Remember, I'm always watching over you. If you need me just call for me.

Levi J. Ackerman

At the bottom of the note was a phone number which Eren assumed was Levi's. He re read the letter over and over. each time he felt the same fearful but welcomed flutters in his gut and heart. The forwardness and possessive comments and actions of the raven scared him. He wanted to run and never look back. At the same time those same actions pulled him towards the raven more and more.

Everything Levi did was completely opposite of Reiner.The blond used him, hid him away because he was embarrassed to be seen with him, and neglected him. The raven though hadn't asked for one thing from Eren. He also wanted to parade him around for everyone to see, Levi was proud to have Eren beside him. He also had taken care of Eren and hadn't neglected him in the least. Levi freely paid for their accidental date, brought him home, and saved him from his parents.

Maybe he was so scared because of all those things. He had never experienced them before, he had only ever know what the blond had done. His father had always said the unknown is the scariest thing in the world, but it didn't mean it was bad. Maybe this was the same thing. Levi was the unknown, maybe even the good unknown.

Just like tonight.

Eren had never been in a vehicle going that fast. They could have been pulled over instantly by the police and went to jail. That thought was scary. Then Levi pushed him into the unknown, and it was the best thing ever. So yeah, maybe pushing himself towards the unknown, AKA Levi. Would end up being just as good as that, maybe even better.

Eren looked at the paper and smiled. The raven had already won him over, but the brunette wasn't going to tell him that yet. It would ruin their game they had going, and Eren couldn't have that. It was just getting fun. He pulled out his phone and saved Levi's number in his contacts. Then started typing out a message.

Eren: Did you make it home? Miche will be in here any minute asking me if you did.

Levi: Yes angel I'm home. You never gave me your number so I had to wait and hope you saw my note.

Eren: Yeah about that.

Eren: How did you get it in my pocket without me knowing?

Levi: Hummmm, I have my ways sweet heart. Now you need to head to bed. We both have to be up early.

Eren: 🙄

Eren was on his bed resting against his head board with a silly grin on his face. He had always wanted to sit up late at night texting or talking with someone that wasn't one of his friends. Reiner NEVER did that, he always had something going on. Then here was Levi, yet again doing something for Eren that he always wanted but never got.

The brunettes grin started to fall as seconds started turning into minutes with out a reply form the other male. Had he pissed Levi off? Did he fall asleep? Did something happen? And the worst one. Has he already lost interest in him? Erens heart fell into his stomach as he thought about the last one. His hand holding his phone fell to the bed and his eyes began to water. Was he really that unimportant in the world?

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