Stood Up

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This chapter is dedicated to sosoislit15 . Thank you for your idea to go with the story. And congrats on 6.5k! I hope you enjoy this chapter along with the next 😊

Eren stood in front of his full length mirror. He was checking over his outfit one more time before he went down to meet Miche. The man had insisted that he drive Eren to the restaurant.

His brown locks glistened and not one strand was out of place. He wore a red suit with a black collard under shirt and red tie. He had his Smith family crest tie pin on as well. Eren looked down to his black shiny dress shoes to make sure they were perfectly polished. In his right ear he had put in a black onyx stud ear ring. He was also wearing the matching black onyx and silver ring on his right hand. The brunette spun around one more time taking in his reflection.

'Perfect! Reiner won't be able to say no to me. He'll have to say yes to us coming out as a couple' The teen thought to himself.

With that he walked out of his room and to the entry way. Standing there was Miche in his normal black chauffeur uniform. Beside him was his Papa wearing his grey business suit and holding his brown bag. When Eren made it to the last two steps he launched himself at Erwin. Already prepared for the teens antics the tall blond opened his arms and caught his son as they both laughed.

" Hi PaPa! How do I look!" Eren squealed excitedly. Erwin smiled then kissed Erens forehead.

" Your stunning my little one. Definitely too good for.." Erwin was cut off by a jab to his ribs from Miche.

" What! It's true, that boy should count his blessings that our little prince chose him." Erwin grumbled as he put his coat on. Eren rolled his eyes at his papa then smiled at Miche.

" Well Momma Miche?" Eren sweetly asked. Miche glared at the boy but didn't try and smack his head this time.

" Your very handsome. I do have to say, your Papas right. The Brauner boy should count himself lucky." The male said with a smile. Eren smiled back as he stepped towards the door.

" He's not that bad you all. He has his.... faults. But don't we all?" Eren asked over his shoulder. The other two looked at each other with a frown.

They had both tried talking to the teen over and over. Reiner didn't want them to act as a couple at school. Which they explained, if someone was happy to be with you they would want to show everyone. Eren had shot it down saying that the young blond didn't want people to interfere with their relationship. They even brought up about how the two HAD to go on dates where their friends wouldn't run into them. Eren defended Reiner again, saying he wanted them to be able to be alone without someone interrupting.

Then there was the multiple times the teen had stood Eren up, or didn't keep his promises. Erwin had lost his mind over that and snapped. Making the situation worse and causing Eren to have a panic attack. All together the two men were done with Erens 'boyfriend'. But they also knew if they pressed to hard that they could possibly push the young teen into the others arms for good. And one thing they didn't want was Eren to be stuck in an abusive situation because the teen was mad at them. So they tried to keep their remarks few and far between.

" Your right son, Our apologies." Erwin had said and opened the door, motioning for Eren to walk out.

" Let's go little one, you don't want to be late and neither do I." The tall blond said with a smile.

Eren returned the smile as he walked past his papa and skipped to the black BMW. Miche and Erwin following behind. The sandy blond man opened the back door for both males and held it there as they slipped in. After they were secure in the back seat Miche went to the front and took his place in the drivers seat. The car started and pulled down the long drive way, then out of the front gates. As they drove away from the beautiful mansion none of them noticed the dark purple Charger that followed behind.

The next King and Queen of Arkham High Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz