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Miche lead the group to the kitchen glancing back to check on his two masters. He sighed when he saw Erwin standing between the two males with his arm around Erens shoulders and glaring at the unknown raven. The group walked into a modern style kitchen that was all white with granite counter tops and silver appliances. There was a spot to the side of everything with a decent sized everyday dinning table. Miche motioned to the table.

" Please young man have a seat. Erwin! Let Eren the fuck go! Your being ridiculous!" He scolded after Levi passed him and took a seat at the round table.

" I am not Miche! My son was supposed to be brought home by Reiner, but instead shows up with some kid we've never met before!" The tall blond seethed while sitting himself in a chair across the table from Levi. Eren sighed and sat in the chair between the raven and blond.

" Papa, please." The brunette whined letting his head fall back. Miche filled a cup with hot chocolate and brought it to the young teen. He sat it down before leaning over and kissing the top of Erens head causing the brunettes cheeks to glow.

" Momma Micheeeee!"


" Eren Harlequin Smith! I have told you over and over not to call me that in front of others." The man scolded walking back to the counter to pour more drinks.

" Harlequin?" Levi's voice final rang through the room, startling the family. The raven was looking to Eren with an amused smirk.

" I-I-I ..... Umm... Yeah. That's my middle name" Eren stuttered out burying his face in his palms. Levi laughed slightly at the cute display.

" What's so funny about it ....... whatever your name is." Erwin growled out glaring at the boy.


" Damnit Erwin, I told you to be nice!" Miche growled after smacking his other master upside the head. He sat a cup of coffee in front of the tall blond man then turned to Levi.

" Young man may I ask your name." The dark blond man asked with a blank look. Levi nodded and straitened his back.

" My name is Levi Jack Ackerman sir." The raven said politely his head down. Miche nodded then returned to the counter.

" Levi what would you like to drink?" The butler asked not looking to the teen.

" Black tea if you all have it sir. If not water will be just as good." Levi said continuing to be polite.

Eren glanced to the raven out of the corner of his eye. He had seen Levi once before, but he had mainly heard rumors about him. From what Eren heard Levi was not some polite boy you took home to mommy and daddy, but here he was being exactly that. Miche walked back to the table with two cups placing one in front of Levi and keeping one for himself as he sat across from Eren. They all quietly drank from their cups for a few moments before Erwin cleared his throat.

" I apologize for my rudeness Levi. I was just a little on edge, we woke up because we heard something slap the windows, then we heard voices at the door shortly after. I thought there was someone trying to break in, so when I saw Eren with someone we've never met I assumed the worst." The man explained his head slightly bowed. Levi looked to him and smiled a little.

" I completely understand Mr.Smith. He is your child and you want nothing to happen to him. If I would have been in the same situation I would have reacted as you did."

Erwin nodded returning the ravens smile. Miches face was blank, but his eyes said thank you. Levi returned the look, before looking to Eren.

" Ummm Eren would you like to explain why I'm here or would you like me too?" He asked almost shyly. Eren raised a brow at him, knowing good and well that he was not shy in anyway. The brunette looked to his father, and chose the safest option.

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