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Contents of this story are purely a work of imagination and have no intentional similarities to any real life events or other works.

WARNING: Includes swearing, bullying, child abuse, ships you might not like (more specifically absence of ships you might like) and minimal sexual stuff. Fr nowadays ppl don't even need a warning for sexual content smh


This fanfiction is multifandom, but even if you're not multifandom, I think it's pretty good to read, no worries.


The characters don't reflect the real life personalities of the idols, at least not completely.

Don't sweat (or swear) if your favourite idol turns out to be one of the antagonists. Villains are cool, too, y'know. I'll try my best to atleast give an explanation for the bad guys being bad in the first place.

Some underworld stuff might seem ridiculous, but remember this is fiction. Plus, the ridiculous stuff is entertaining, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Now even though this story is just for fun, I've worked real real hard on the plot. I've figured out and filled all the plot holes I could find, tried to give a solid explanation for everything that seems illogical and make it as perfect as I could, but I'm only human. The later part of the story becomes so complicated that sometimes it's difficult for even me to keep track of it. So if you do find any plot holes that I missed or if there's still something that seems illogical, I apologise for that in advance. Do point it out if you come across something like that and I'll try my best to correct it.

Hope you enjoy :)

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