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They all sat on their allotted seats.

Mingyu, Mina and Aiden in third row, last seat. Mingyu make sure to make Mina sit near the window to block Chaeyoung's view.

Meanwhile Chaeyoung and her mother sat in first row the last seat. Same as Mina's.

Jungkook and Jeongin sat after Chaeyoung's seat, the third last seat.

Everything was pretty normal until Chaeyoung desire to see Mina, just a glance, her desire grew stronger. She let her back touch the seat, more like giving herself to the seat to swallow her, just so that she could see Mina, but failed. The next she did was bending further for the same reason, but there's this particular man sitting with his huge fatty belly and newspaper wide opened.

Chaeyoung : "Why the heck he is reading newspaper at night?"

Chaeyoung mumbled but enough that make Mrs. Son hear it clearly.

Mrs. Son : "And why are you pissed at him for no reason?"

She is clearly shocked, she didn't thought that her mother will hear her.

Chaeyoung : "Nothing!"

Mrs. Son hummed and started focusing again on a particular book that she was reading.

There's this thought that crossed chaeyoung mind which is, confessing her mother that she love Mina. It obviously isn't easy but the truth is chaeyoung rarely hides something from her mother. Earlier she use to tell everything to her father but now her father and her mother both are Mrs. Son. She don't want to hide this huge matter from her mother. She motivated herself by thinking...

"She have all the rights for getting angry on you chaeyoung, let's take this opportunity and spit it out. She will not scold me or slap me as we are on plane. Great! You can do it Son chaeyoung. Fighting!"

Chaeyoung : "Mom"

Mrs. Son : "Hmm?"

Her eyes fixed on the book, scanning every word.

Chaeyoung : "Do you know Katrnina?"

Mrs. Son : "Of course it's your English name"

Chaeyoung : "Oh no no it isn't me, she's my classmate and my friend"

Mrs. Son : "You have any other friends in school than those two cracks? That's new"

She heard her mother chuckling on the tease. Ignoring it she proceed further.

Chaeyoung : "She told me that, she loves her cousin"

Mrs. Son : "Are you crazy? Everyone loves their cousin, I love my cousin, you loves mina, Kai loves Jungkook, everyone love them"

For a second chaeyoung thought that her mother is really pissed but when she heard what her mother is talking she felt a little calmer, but not too much, her heart is still beating scared of telling her mother truth.

Chaeyoung : "Uhmm... Mom, she loves her cousin like oppa loves Jimin oppa"

Mrs. Son closed the book, removed her spectacles understanding seriousness of the situation, she turned her head towards Chaeyoung.

Mrs. Son : "So? What do you want to convey?"

Chaeyoung : "That... is she doing right? I just want to ask this"

It isn't, she just want to listen her mother's view on that particular topic.

Mrs. Son : "I think love is love and it depends on their family, if they don't oppose them and who are we. And I think you can't control yourself for falling from someone."

Chaeyoung : "So you wouldn't mind loving your cousin in a romantic way?"

Mrs. Son : "Yes, I don't mind. I. Just I. There are many people who will definitely mind"

Chaeyoung : "You don't. Right?"

Exactly it doesn't matter what anyone will think about Mina and chaeyoung but the only thing that matter is what her mother thinks.

Mrs. Son shook her head.

With a smile plastered on her face she turned her head towards the window, smiling like a crazy teenager (who she is) but this time a teenager falling in love for the first time.

Mrs. Son : "You like Mina?"

Cousins (MiChaeng) ✔Where stories live. Discover now