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Mrs. Son : "Son Chaeyoung, your cousin will be here any minute and look at you. Unbelievable"

Her mother slapped on her hip making her whine. She pulled her blanket up and get under it again like disguising herself.

Mrs. Son : "Mina will be here at any minute wake up!"

Chaeyoung : "Mom, for God's sake it's 10 in the morning let me sleep moreee"

Mrs. Son : "Exactly it's 10 in the morning."

Chaeyoung ignored her mother and put a pillow on her head, her eyes still closed and still willing to enter dreamland.

Mrs. Son : "If you'll not wake up I'll send Jungkook and Jeongin to wake you up"

Mrs. Son heard Chaeyoung's Humph, she sighed.

Mrs. Son : "JUNGKOOK - JEONGIN baby wake your sister up"

She shouted from Chaeyoung's room, clearly making chaeyoung hear it. Chaeyoung groaned and jump out of her bed, directly entering washroom.

She remember how stupid her brothers are. Last time they woke her up by throwing a cup full of ice on her face in 1°C and before that they switched on her room heater and covered her with 4 thick blankets making her body feel like burning. And before that they silently took her to the muddy part of the house and threw her in that. She isn't in favor of ruining her morning by her two lovely siblings.


Chaeyoung : "Mom, is breakfast ready?"

Chaeyoung arrived at the kitchen searching for breakfast.

Mrs. Son : "Yeah, there it"

She pointed at the table, Chaeyoung started eating her brunch instead of breakfast.

Chaeyoung : "Are those 2 fools in their rooms?"

Chaeyoung asked while chewing her food.

Mrs. Son : "They are at airport, to pick mina"

Chaeyoung : "WHAT?! They aren't at home. You tricked me. I hate you mom"

Mrs. Son chuckled.

Chaeyoung : "What about her husband?"

Mrs. Son : "He said, he will be arriving here after a week or two. For now it's just Mina and her 6 months old son"

Chaeyoung : "wow! She already has a son"

Mrs. Son : "Yes! And I request you to not to stuck in your so called workshop, spend few time with her, like you both use to do when you were kids."

Chaeyoung : "it's already more than a decade, what was my age at that time? 5 or 6? I'm 17 now mom. Though I want to I can't get stick to anyone who don't have any intrest in me"

Mrs. Son : "she have intrest in you. You are her best and first younger sister, it's what she says. Though you were 5 at that time she was already 12, memories are fresher in her head than you. Just... Just don't disrespect her."

Chaeyoung : "What will I do with her? I'll get bore"

Mrs. Son : "or more like she will"
                   "Tour her around the town"

Her mother added.

Chaeyoung : "Like she had never been here"

She sarcastically commented.

Mrs. Son : "Why you have so much problems chaeyoung. She is my sibling's daughter. Her mother and your mother shares the same mother and father"

Chaeyoung : "I know"

Mrs. Son : "Then treat her like your real sibling. Love her. She is way nicer than you, at least for me"

Her mother joked making chaeyoung pout.

The door bell rang, Mrs. Son has a huge smile on her face already expecting a beautiful mina standing at her footstep with her two dashing sons.

She started almost running towards the door in excitement.

Chaeyoung : "Tch! I need a proof that I'm your real daughter not adopted"

Cousins (MiChaeng) ✔Where stories live. Discover now