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3 days has already passed and Mina - Chaeyoung seemed distance. It's not like they aren't making any efforts or correction. Mina is the only one to put efforts on. Chaeyoung constantly keeps on ignoring mina. She ignores every sweet gesture of mina.

Mrs. Son : "Mina and Chaeyoung can you both bring me groceries I already texted you the list"

Chaeyoung : "Mom I have project to do, tell jeongin or oppa to bring it"

Mrs. Son : "Jungkook is repairing his bike and innie is playing with aiden"

Chaeyoung : "So? He can go with aiden"

Mrs. Son : "The weather is cold. I am not allowing any one of you to bring my kid aiden out of this house"

Chaeyoung : "You and your crazy rules. Why can't I go alone?"

Mrs. Son : "Because you should tour mina around."

Chaeyoung : "Tch! Fine. Let's go"

Chaeyoung gestured Mina who didn't oppose and started moving towards the door.


They silently settled in the car.

Mina : "You'll drive?"

Chaeyoung : "hmm. Do you have any problem?"

Mina : "You can drive. Right?"

Chaeyoung : "No I can not"

She sarcastically replied.

Mina : "I have a kid and a husband to take care of."

Chaeyoung : "I can drive"

Mina : "When we first met you talked to me nicely but why not now?"

Chaeyoung ignored Mina's question and started to drive, after a minute of ride chaeyoung cornered the car and looked at Mina.

Chaeyoung : "What's your age?"

Mina : "24"

Chaeyoung : "Still you aren't aware of rules and laws?"

Mina : "Huh?"

Chaeyoung : "Tch!"

After that "tch" chaeyoung almost hovered on Mina. Her face just centimeters away from Mina's face. Though mina had seen chaeyoung closer than this position but this time her heart is beating, its beating so fast with no reason. Chaeyoung buckled Mina's seatbelt. While chaeyoung was scooting back she unintentionally stopped near mina's face, their eyes met, their nose almost touching and both hearts running at a speed that no one can chase.

Chaeyoung quickly sat at her seat and started the engine to drive further.

Mina's heart still didn't calm. She couldn't do that though she wants to.


They reach supermarket with an awkward silence.

Chaeyoung : "Mom sent you the list to?"

Mina just hummed.

Chaeyoung : "Okay... so I will be buying top 10 items in the list and the remaining you search and put it in your trolley. After that I'll be waiting near billing counter meet me there. Don't make me wait"

With that chaeyoung left not waiting for Mina's answer.


|| 45 Minutes later ||

Chaeyoung : "Wheres that girl?"

She mumbled underneath her breath, it's already 10 plus minutes since she is waiting for Mina to arrive near counter.

She sighed not wanting to leave this seat she is sitting on beside the counter.

Chaeyoung : "excuse me sir, I forgot one thing. Can I keep my trolley here?"

She asked the cashier who nodded with a smile.

Chaeyoung ran towards aisles searching for Mina.

Chaeyoung : "Where are you Kim Mina Myoui?"

She turn to her right, then left, then running forward sneaking in aisles, building a huge supermarket is not a good idea.

She enter frozen food area, then beverages, then snacks, then grains but Mina is no where to be found. She decided to search in washroom. Though the reaching till washroom will take you 3 minutes walk from where chaeyoung is standing, it just took her 1 minute run to reach there.

She bursted in there were 6 cubical and out of it just 2 are full. She knocked on first one.

Chaeyoung : "Mina?"

Woman inside it : "Get the fuck out off here"

Chaeyoung : "Mind your own business you fucking hoe"

Woman inside it : "Wait till I come out"

Chaeyoung just ignored it, she isn't the one to ignore these kinds of arguments or fights she surely have an answer to reply.

But she just ignored and was about to knock another cubical when it opened revealing Mina.

Chaeyoung sighed.


Chaeyoung screamed at Mina.

Woman inside it : "I will rip you off once I get out off it"

Chaeyoung : "I am not fucking talking to you, you daughter of a bitch. Keep your prostitute mouth zipped or I'll not waste a second to fuck you off"

With that mina grabbed Chaeyoung's wrist and pulled her out of the washroom.

Mina : "Chaeyoung your words!"

Cousins (MiChaeng) ✔Where stories live. Discover now