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Lunas pov

We sit down on the couch as she wipes her tears, "I'm sorry" "ness stop apologizing" "I can't I fucked up and I-" tears come out of her eyes more, I can't help but to hug her.

She continues to cry, "can I tell you something?" she says, I nod my head.

"I have BPD which means Borderline Personality Disorder, and it's a personality disorder and its a pattern and characterized by a long-term pattern of unstable, distorted, and strong  reactions, it makes me feel less than a person, and I struggle with the feel of emptiness and abandonment, so I thought you were gonna leave me cause I wasn't enough, so I left you first" she says.

"ness why didn't you tell me?" I ask, "I was scared you were gonna think of me differently" "not possible, but it just kinda hurt how I leave for two days find out my parents are getting a divorce and you go on with Jaden" "I know and I'm extremely sorry" she says.

"ness I came here to talk to you not listen to you apologize" I say, "but I love you a lot, and I think too much but Avani said you can't love someone too much" her facial expression turns a little happier, "and I wanna be with you so so badly but you keep pushing me away" I say, "I just wanna know how long you were with Jaden"

"we had something before you and I, I told him we needed to stop cause I started seeing you, but then you left we started making another song and he came onto me I said it was wrong, but then we went into relationship and I just dropped you" she says.
"But I wanna be with you too Luna if you will trust me again" she says.
"Yes" I say, "really?" She asks, I nod my head. She doesn't hesitate and hugs me tight. She lets go of the hug and kisses me, I kiss her back.
"Ness how about we don't go into a relationship yet, since you just got out with Jaden" I say to her, "I respect that" she says. "but be exclusive?" I ask, she nods her head yes. "I missed you" I say, "missed you more" she says hugging me again.
"Also was the song about me?" "Well what do you think Luna?" I smile and kiss her forehead.

God I missed her so much. "Can you stay tonight?" She asks, I nod. "What if we got in and out?" I ask, "I'm down" she says.

I drive us to in and out, and we get out the car. She holds my hand as we walk inside. But we don't get in there safely of course a paparazzi comes to us.
"Nessa! Luna! Hi" "hi" we both say, "how are you guys this beautiful afternoon" "I'm great" ness answers, "cool, but how's your relationship going? Is it a love triangle?" "Um me and Jaden are not together anymore, and that's it" she answers.
"So you and Luna aren't together?" "No" she says stretching out the o. "So you guys weren't just holding hands?" "We actually were it's a natural thing I do when I walk across the street I automatically hold the person that I'm with hand" I answer, "ok well have nice day" he says.

We walk into in and out and order our food.
We just stay and eat it in there.
Nessa looks through the window behind me and stops eating. "Ness what's wrong?" I look behind me, and it's Hollywoodfix recording us eat. What the fuck? "Ness don't mind them it's gonna be okay" I say.

I get up and move my food next to her, then sit down next to her. She smiles, and holds my hand under the table so paparazzi can't see. "Now eat god damn it" I say, and she laughs while eating.

We go back to her apartment, and start watching movies.

She's laying down while her head is in my lap, and I'm looking at the tv.
I feel her start to look at me, "what's up?" I ask, she sits up, "you're pretty" she says, and I blush a small bit.
"Your are too ness" I say, she shakes her head no.
"Yes you are nessa" kiss her forehead, "you're beautiful" I say kissing her. "Luna I sound like I'm fishing for compliments but no I'm not" "Janessa Barrett you are beautiful!" I kiss her again, "why do you like to kiss me so much?" She says with a small smile. "Like I said cause you're beautiful" I say and kiss her one more time. She hugs me tight, and kisses me all around my face. "I love you" she says, "I love you too" "something I was taught was not to say 'I love you too' cause it seems like you're just saying it" She says, "ok well I love you" I kiss her forehead. "Perfect" she says, and goes back to the was she was laying in my lap. While I play with her hair.

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