The Dark Lord Voldemort, had been defeated, by a child.

The child mentioned was called, Harry Potter, he had lived through the killing curse. Which caused him to be known as the boy-who-lived.

Remus John Lupin was in immense grief, he had lost his best friends, James Potter, Lily Potter née Evans, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.

James and Lily Potter had not only fallen victim to the killing curse coming from Lord Voldermot's wand, but also to betrayal.

Sirius Black, James Potter's best friend, had betrayed him. Choosing to side with the dark side. He hadn't only divulged the address to Lily and James's house, where the couple were in hiding, but had further decided to kill the only witness alive of his cruel actions, Peter Pettigrew. His friend Peter Pettigrew.

Sirius had been soon imprisoned and sent to Azkaban for his crimes.

Remus was in grief. Alone.

Narcissa Malfoy née Black suffered silently. Unable to grieve at the loss of her dear cousin, Regulus Arcturus Black. She cried internally.

Walburga Black née Black grieved at the loss of her two sons. Regulus her star son, her pride and Sirius her disowned, good for nothing son.

But at last, it was a mother who had lost her two sons.


Albus Dumbledore paced around his office when he heard someone knock on the door to his office.

He saw Sybill Trelawney peek in, "Sybill come in," he gestured for her to come in.

"What brings you here today Professor?" He asked kindly.

"I- I was crystal gazing and- and I saw her"

"See who Sybill?" Albus looked at the divination professor with furrowed brows, a look of questioning on his face.

"Born at the start of the end.... destined to be with the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord arrives..... with her by his side defeat would be defeated.... she holds the power to overpower the most powerful.... "

It was exactly like it had been in 1980, when Albus Dumbledore had first interviewed Sybill Trelawney.

She wore the same gaze, as if in a trance. The headmaster had the same astonished face.

The only difference was, that this time there was no one eavesdropping.


Albus Dumbledore mulled over the words of the divination professor. He had very little to begin with "Born at the start of the end" this was quite hard to figure out.

"Born as the seventh month dies" had helped greatly with the identification of the chosen one.

But this time, it was different.

Albus had questioned Sybill a few times about if she could further see the prophecy and see something more, that would help them identify about who the prophecy is made.

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It was late at night, when Sybill had entered the Headmaster's office, in hysterics.

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