I'm looking forward to the future

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Honestly Idek how to describe this chapter 😅 Just-

Shota finally gets out of the hospital to work on his mental health so he and Hizashi can figure out their relationship. (Sorry for the crappy summary I didn't know how this chapter was gonna go😅)

Againnnn I'm gonna try and post this earlier since I'm starting earlier but it's unlikely cause I'm lazy😅 OMG ITS EARLIER THAN USUAL IM SHOCKED!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Recovery Girl came back in the room with Nemuri. "I'm glad to see that everything's alright. Unfortunately you have to be kept in the hospital until one of their mental health professional comes in and evaluates you. Once they say you're safe enough to return home, you can."

"Alright..." Shota let out a sigh. "Can my friends stay with me until then? I'm tired of pushing people away."

She nodded. "Of course they can. My work here is done for now. I'll see you all around UA," she said before leaving with a smile.

Nemuri looked at Aizawa. "How are you feeling, Aizawa?" She asked with a soft voice.

"Better." He smiled a bit. "Me and Hizashi are going to figure something out once I work on myself and he's single." He tried to say without blushing. Shota was excited for the future to come, for once. "Anyway, how much did you tell him..?" He asked nervously.

She smiled, "Good, I'm glad you're doing better. And that's great! I'm happy for you both."

"I'm happy too... for once." Shota blushed.

Rubbing his shoulder, she continued. "And I told him everything. You wouldn't tell him so I had to."

His face turned red, frowning. "What the hell, Kayama!"

"I mean not everything!" She smirked winking at him, referring to the times he told her how he attempted to touch himself with the thought of Hizashi, but each time he couldn't even do that.

Shota let out a sigh of relief. "Good. You better not have..." he grumbled. He was embarrassed because now, Hizashi knew that he hadn't ever been with someone because he couldn't get over him. He blushed even more, hiding his face now as he thought about Hizashi possibly taking his virginity.

She chuckled. "I didn't. Unless you want me to~" Nemuri looked over at Hizashi

"No!" Shota grabbed her arm "You better fucking not." He said with a tone he usually reserved for his students.

"I'm just joking, Eraser!" She chuckled "I wouldn't share something like that unless you want want me to."

"Good." He mumbled shutting his eyes, wanting to rest before the mental health professional came in.


About an hour later, one of the hospital physiologists knocked on the door before coming in.

Hizashi stood up to leave the room with Nemuri. "We'll be back, Sho. Just gonna give you some private time with the doctor," he said before leaving the room.

Leaving just the physiologist and himself in the room, Shota looked around awkwardly. He knew he wanted to get better, especially for Hizashi. But, he hated having to confront his feelings. He shifted around nervously sitting up. "Hello," He said quietly.

"Goodmorning, Eraserhead." He smiled to try and comfort him. "I'm Doctor Nakayama, I'll be asking some most likely uncomfortable questions, but it's all for the best. Once we get through them you can hopefully go home, alright?"

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