Asylum: Insane Jungkook x Insane reader

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A/n: This is Pt 2 of my insane series! I'm sorry I'm late. I've got some news so stick around till the end 😊🖤

Y/n's Pov:

It was around 11pm. I had already called in my "special favor" to my guys.
"Don't worry Jungkookie Oppa you will be safe 🖤".
Jungkook Pov:

I heard a rustling. It came from outside. It sounded as if people where being dropped like bags onto the floor. It was straight up annoying me.

I got up from me seat almost falling thanks to my stupid restraints. I banged my head into the steak door.




It doesn't hurt. I have a high tolerance for pain ✋💅

I continued but then I heard louder noises. As if people were fighting. No. That's impossible. No one is allowed even near others here.

But then the door opened...

I stepped back more of hopped back as to not get close to who ever was coming into my cell.


"What is going on how are you free?" I was terrified and yet so excited to see her.

She was free unlike me who had my restraints. She looked serious unlike earlier when she was just smiling and interested in finding out more about me.

She cut me out and grabbed my hand. Though I do have to say in the process of her getting me out she cut my hands and my lower back. She said "it's precautions". As if to warn me. I think it was out of love because that's how we do love..

3rd person:

"And that's the story how I met your yandere mother!"

"That's also the story how I met your Yandere father"

They both told their 2 children. They had gotten married and had 2 children. Jeonsan and JeonJejio.

"Mommy" Y/n's little child called to her.

"Yes my dear?"

"Do I have to finish my Heart? It's still beating slowly" Her daughter spoke to her.

Then they all laughed as they continued to feast on their latest victim 🖤🖤

A/n: I'm sorry this took long and I hope you will forgive me! Also sorry I turned them into cannibals cus I just felt the story needed a twist 🖤🖤 I will try to make more oneshots soon!

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