Wolves: Alpha Jungkook x Luna

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Hey Jungkookies it's Shi here I hope you enjoy this story! I will be telling you about my update schedule at the end! I will be more organized with my stories from now on.

Jungkook's Dad Pov:

Waiting is hard. A few more months. I've been waiting for so long to have a pup. A successor. The new leader...
Y/n's Dad Pov:

A few more months and our packs will finally be united. These children are our only hope. Our successor. The next Alpha and Luna.

[Years later]

Y/n Pov:

Today is very beautiful. The birds are high in the baby blue sky. Each one chirping in happness to one another. I'm on a hunt with my pack but we haven't seen any deer or anything for a while. We are edging closer to dark wolf territory.

"Y/n!" I heard my second in command Taeyong calling me over.

"We found a deer but it is on the brink of dark wolf territory. What do we do?" He looked concerned but still had determination in his eyes.

"Chase it till Dark wolf territory. We at least need to try" I have hope and faith in my pack. If we don't bring food home. That is the 2nd day we go hungry.

~let the chase begin~

I moved swiftly. At a fast enough pace to keep up with the deer but not enough to lose my stamina. Thump...

I cornered the deer. Yeonjun attacked the front. Taeyong attacked the back. Kai and I made sure to keep the deer from running and helped to emobilez it. Thump...

It was almost dead. My heart was beating harder than it had before. It went hard then normal again. It was strange... Thump...

We were about to make our way back with our kill but then I heard a not so familiar voice call out to us.

"Hey what do you think your doing with dark wolfs kill? That's ours you passed the border line"

That voice. It sounded familiar. Sounded angelic yet tough. Thump...Thump
The beats became faster and happened twice. The man came out of the shadows and looked straight at me as if he knew something.

"Hand over the food doll face, it is ours anyways" He looked calm and yet the look in his eyes was...strange as if he was hiding something.

"Hah as if. We killed it and it is barley in you territory" Taeyong sneered to the taller and more muscular male.

"Yeah It's ours! If you want it your gonna have to fight us for it" Kai sounded bold and growled.

~Let the battle begin~

Seven muscular males to three muscular males and one luna. Oh Lord....

Fighting the battle was bloody. Yeonjun was fighting the two older looking wolves as Taeyong managed to take down the younger childish looking ones. Kai was taken down by the one with a sunshine grin as I was fighting the man for before. He was...different. something about him made me...crazy.

"Seriously doll face is that all you got? You barely made any scratches on me" He was strong and charming...I think I can use this to my advantage.

"Aww don't underestimate me Oppa~" I think I hit a nerve because within a second I was on the damn ground face filled with dirt.

"I AM NOT YOUR OPPA SHUT UP! DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" YUP I HIT A NERVE! This dude was mad made. Not like face slap mad but mexican mother la chancla mad.

"But oppaaa You are my oppaaa~" I sounded like a lovesick girl. By this time all of us were on the damn ground with angry men holding us down.

"Your coming with me doll face. Don't worry your friends will come with" He picked me up and knocked me out.

[Hours later]

Jungkook Pov:

That kid...My heart thumped louder when they were around. I can't stop thinking about them. Something about them. They are different but in a good way.

I made my way down to the prison cell they were in. They were still knocked out. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were destined to meet. I decided to see my father and speak to him about this problem.

"Father" I bowed to him as I walked in.

"Ah Jungkook I heard that you captured 4 Light wolves am I correct?" He smiled and greeted me.

"Yes father but one in particular fascinated me. They made my heart thump. Louder and faster. They seemed off. If you would different than the other wolves we captured" I saw my father's face he looked deep I thought.

Moment later he finally spoke.

"Jungkook your mother and I have told you since you were a pup you are destined for greatness. There is a reason behind this..." He paused. Closed his eyes. Then spoke.

"You and that other wolf you speak of were chosen" He said this not looking at me.

"Chosen for what father? What could I possibly have been chosen to do besides become the next Alpha?!" I wasn't angry but I wasn't happy either.

"Chosen to bring our packs together. Dark and light as one. You and that young luna you speak of were chosen to being Harmony between the light and dark wolf packs." He spoke as if he had thought this over millions of times. I didn't understand and part of me didn't want to.

"So you mean they are my mate?" I saw my father's eyes. He looked happy and yet sad. He knew I wasn't happy but he also knew that I would do what is best for the pack.

"Yes Jungkook. You were destined to be together. You must win their heart and I feel it won't be too hard. You are a Jeon after all." He smiled and chuckled. It calmed me down I don't understand why me, but I understand it is my duty.

A/n: If you want Pt:2 just ask for it. I was thinking it will be a good place to leave it off!

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