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Yandere: A girl/boy who loves another and will do whatever for their love. They won't let anyone get in there way. They will do anything to get their senpai....

Y/n Pov:

Diary entry #1,400

Jungkook walked to class today. He looks so sad, I suppose it was because of that girl who wouldn't leave him alone. She had it coming. One stab to the heart and problem solved! He wore a black outfit today. Black shirt, pants, shoes along with black socks. Jungkook seems to have caught on and so have other people who ever gets to close to him will vanish! My point is finally getting across it only took a few hundred deaths but it was al worth it for my senpai 🖤🖤

[End of diary entry]

I skipped down the hall happily. Everyone else was looking sad more of gloomy. They looked down and walked slowly. Was everyone really that upset about that loser [Rival Name]? She tried to steal my senpai! She had it coming and she signed herself up to be killed. I went to Jungkook's locker and left my daily note to him. White envelope red heart to seal it. I kissed it before running away to find him and make sure he was safe.

I found him but he was talking... With a girl

Y/n thought:

Why is she talking to my senpai? Why are they laughing and smiling?! I am the only one who is allowed to make him happy! I'm the one he should love and see.

You young miss are signing a deal of death. Time to hatch a new plan to eliminate osama chan~

[End of thoughts]

I quickly snapped a photo of her to make sure I don't forget what she looks like.

~time skip~

I got her phone number, address, and all her contacts. Time to make her pay. I smiled to myself and made sure to check up on jungkook before leaving to kill my prey.


I tied her to a chair in my basement. She looked so pretty. Blood all over her body and barley breathing. It was prefect I snapped a few photos of her.

She spoke but very lowly sounding so submissive and so weak. Pathetic~

Rival: W-Why? What did I-I ever do to you
She said studering and crying.

Y/n: You tried to steal my senpai now you know who your dealing with. I am so glad I had a knife at home with your name on it.
I laughed as she cried such a small price to pay for my senpai.

Rival: O-over a S-stupid guy?! You d-do this all for him? You. Are. A. Monster! Jungkook Oppa will never love you
She gained confidence but I could tell she quickly lost it as I walked near her with my double sided blade.

Y/n: Jungkook will love me. He doesn't have a choice. He needs me. I am the only one he can love. Your not my first victim. Your probably not my last. I will continue until he loves me. Only me!
Now let's see who's name you scream when I rip your chest open 🔪🖤

~Hours later~

The deed was done. She was gone and senpai wouldn't be bothered by her anymore. I cremated her body and spread her ashes on the beach. I made sure it would look like as suicide and no one would ever suspect me.

Diary entry #1,401

Jungkook Oppa noticed that girl didn't show up to school today he called her and asked for her but nothing. No one knew where or what was going on with her. It was perfect. The day was fun. Everyone wondering where she was and everyone was on edge. Rumors quickly spread that she was out of town, just sick but even better DEAD!! Jungkook senpai wasn't sad but didn't look super happy. I went over and said I felt bad for him. In all honesty I felt nothing but joy.
Anything for senpai 🖤🖤🖤

[End of diary entry]

As I walked home I got a notification. It was a text FROM JUNGKOOK!

Senpai: Hello Y/n-noona thanks
Senpai: Thanks for cheering me up

                          Y/n-noona: My pleasure senpai

Senpai: Hey if you wanna hang out
Senpai: I'm free tomorrow after school
Senpai: Wanna hang out?

                         Y/n-noona: OFC! I would love it
                         Y/n-noona: I'm free anytime 🖤

Senpai: I would love to be friends

                        Y/n-noona: I would love that too

Senpai: Good night noona!

                       Y/n-noona: Goodnight senpai
                       Y/n-noona: I love you 🖤

Senpai: lol love you too ig 🖤

*End of chat*

I was screaming with euphoria! Senpai said he loved me...LOVED ME! He want to be friends. I won't let him get away...

Senpai will be mine...

Daughter: so that's the hole story?
Y/n: Yes my love. That is how I got your father *smiles*
Daughter: So your saying I will find someone who will make me feel hole?
Y/n: Someday you will I promise, now let's clean up this mess we don't want your father seeing *laughs*
Daughter: Thank you mother
Y/n: Just remember! Anything for senpai
Daughter: Anything for senpai...

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