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A/n: WW is weight watchers. Remember you are beautiful no matter your size or gender. You were made special by the lord. You should stand by who you are and never change 💜💜🙏

I am Lee Y/n. 103 pounds and 23 years old. I'm not big and I'm not the smallest. I am who I am. I try to be like everyone else. Small,thin and under 100 pounds. It is like that in korea. You need to be skinny so guys will like you and they will notice you. I have never understood why I constantly checked my weight. I didn't think of myself as a big girl. I didn't think that pounds matter. I just checked my weight and made sure I didn't ever go over 109 pounds.

"Hello everyone welcome to weight watchers. This is our annual meeting. I would like to introduce our latest member. His name is Jeon Jungkook, he is 23 years old and is look to lose weight just like the rest of us here!" Our head coach addressed jungkook and introduced him.

Jungkook sat down 3 chairs from me. He looked in shape. I am guessing he isn't happy with his weight like many here. I was listening to the coach but then noticed that jungkook was taking quick looks at me. I just thought he was wondering why I was here and what is my story.

I always see people come and go. Skinnier or still the same. I'm not sure why people even come when they look just fine. The coach was telling us it will be our normal routine. Check weight, diet, changes. It was to make sure we lost weight and didn't gain it. If we did we changed our diet plan and changes means well we change out our clothes for ones that fit just right.

WW isn't what I expected but it helped keep my mind at peace. I was walking slowly over to the scale ready to hear I was the same weight.

"Please step on Miss Lee. We will be seeing your progress" the worker asked me in a kind tone.

I stepped on and closed my eyes while looking straight forward. My last weight was 103 and that was 1 month ago.

"95.5 pounds Miss Lee. You lost 9.5 pounds. I would suggest you stop coming for you are very under weight for your age." The worker suggested I stop coming because of my light weight. I pondered about it and then just nodded.

I didn't go to the rest of the class and just cancelled all the food and classes that I had payed for.

"Seems your not very happy. That isn't good for a young child like you. If you don't mind me asking why were you in WW? You seem just fine to me" the voice came from behind me and it sounded like a man with a deeper tone.

I turned around to see jungkook. He was tall, taller than I expected. "I was in WW for personal reasons. I don't wish to share why" I just walked out side not wanting to tell him about why I was wanting to lose weight.

"It's fine. You can tell me if and when you want. I hope to see you again soon." Jungkook turned around and just walked back into the building.

I hope to see you again soon too, Mr. Jeon. I said in my head smiling hoping to see him one day in the future.

Please let me know if you want a part 2. Thank you for reading!! Make sure to comment if you have a story idea or if you have a suggestion to make the oneshots better! Also don't forget to vote/star this chapter💜💜💜

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