UnderFell Sans x Reader

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"heya, sweets." Sans says while walking through the door. He shoots me a toothy grin, and ruffles my hair playfully. I giggle, and swat away his hand. "whatcha been up to while i've been out, hmm?" He questions whilst taking a seat next to me.

I blow out a raspberry, and roll my eyes. "I wish you'd take me to patrol with you. Nothing fun ever happens here!" I complain. Sans smiles sympathetically, and lets me continue. I'm grateful for that, for if he'd argued with me in my puffy state, I might have shoved my anger on him. Which I would have deeply regretted later.

I cross my legs, and lay my head in the palm of my hand. "Papyrus came to visit, but he told me you were busy and wouldn't be able to take your lunch break. I ended up napping for pretty much the rest of the day." I say. I shoot him semi-serious glare, telling him that I'm upset he didn't come over for our usual lunch together.

"shit, i'm sorry, y/n. i know saying i'm busy isn't that believable, but i promise i was." Sans apologizes. He takes my hands in his, and gives them a gentle squeeze, making sure not to let his sharp phalanges penetrate my skin.

"No, it's okay, I understand. I'd love to know what kept you though." I giggle lightly. A deep red blush blooms over Sans cheeks, and he looks off to the side. "was just takin' care of some stuff." He shrugs. His thickened accent makes that hard to believe.

"Sans, I know that's not all." I say in a teasing tone. Sans curses not so silently, but looks back up to my expectant gaze. "i wanted to do something for today, so i got you this." He trails off, and pulls a necklace from his hoodie's pocket. At the end of it, a heart locket is hanging.

It reflects the light, and shimmers beautifully. "Oh wow, Sans. It's incredible, but what's the occasion? Please don't tell me I forgot something.. it's not my birthday, or our anniversary.." I trail off, listing all the possible reasons for this gift silently.

Sans clips the necklace around my neck, and laughs to himself. "nah, it's not somethin' i'd have expected you to remember." He says. I look up to him worriedly. "But then why did you-" "it's to celebrate the day we met." Sans says, cutting me off.

I furrow my eyebrows, and think back to when we met. I had just slipped out of the Ruins when I found myself face-to-face with a skeleton in black and red. He had introduced himself as Sans, and from then on had watched me traverse the Underground.

Keeping a close eye as I struggled against Undyne. Sending small bone attacks to fool her into thinking it was I who was lowering her HP. When in reality, it had been Sans keeping me alive the whole time. Somehow, his past self had found it in him to keep a human alive.

In the end, he'd grown attached to me and reintroduced himself, apologizing for his attitude in our past encounter. Apparently, he was actually quite the sugar skull. Being affectionate, and caring when no one was watching. Building up the courage over time, Sans eventually asked me on our first date, in which I obviously accepted.

It went great, and we'd ended up dating soon after. All of that leading up to the present.

"Sans, you're too sweet!" I tackle him in a hug, and he wraps his arms around my waist. "not all the time, only around my sweetheart." He says. I give him a peck on his cheek. In return, he blushes, and nuzzles into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you, Sans. It's really quite sweet of you, no matter what anyone says." I smile happily. "heh, i had to have boss come over to tell yah i'd be out so yah wouldn't worry 'bout me." Sans says. I gasp disbelievingly. "So it was a lie!" I say.

"to be fair, i was actually busy, sweets." Sans says with a chuckle. I huff. "Fine, you win. But only because you're being such a marshmallow right now." I say the last part quieter. He seems to have heard though as he bursts out laughing.

"what's that mean?" Sans asks. He takes my hands in his own again, and intertwines his fingers with mine. I blush lightly, and turn to him. "It means I love you, you dork." I lean in, and kiss him lightly. He smiles in the kiss, and we break apart after a minute.

"ONE OF YOU BETTER BE WASHING THAT COUCH." A loud voice growls from across the room. Sans, and I both turn towards Papyrus quickly. "b-boss, 'ey wassup?" Sans chuckles. The two of us blush madly, being caught in such a moment. Papyrus taps his foot impatiently.

"YOU COULD HAVE TAKEN HER TO THE HOTEL, OR SOMEWHERE ELSE IF YOU WERE GOING TO-" Papyrus is cut off as Sans lunges at him, still blushing. "it's nothin' like that!" He yells, flustered. The two of them run around the house chasing each other.

At first, I'm startled into wanting to calm them down, but a small smile sneaks onto my face. I touch the heart locket carefully, and smile internally too. Having met Sans has made such a huge impact on my life, and I couldn't be any happier. So what if people see him as an asshole, I know what he's really like.

A sweet, lovable, marshmallow.

A/N: I know this is my second UF one shot, but I swear I'm not obsessed! It's just easier to write someone that you can relate to. I honestly just wanted to write something fluffy, since I know Red is often seen as jerk. Though, I'd like to think he'd be an absolute sweetheart under his tough act. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, bye for now!

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