Chapter 29

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Hey, the main story is coming to a close, but side stories will be carried out! Danke, my fellow comrades, and I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing it! Also another change: art will now stop being daily. Sorry! But in preparation of the new book, I have decided to take my art skills there. I have a lot of drawing and writing to do for that! I may occasionally put my own art in the top of chapters but apart from that, no daily art. Sorry ;-;

--Russia's POV--


"Yes, Vodka?" I was still carrying Germany, and nearly melted as I heard him call me his nickname

"Money, are you sure that they accept us together? Especially grandfather-"

"Shush, dear Vodka. It'll be okay." He kissed me again, and I momentarily stopped to kiss him back as to not walk into a lamppost.

"Ew, go get a room before you fuck in the street-"




I heard Germany giggle as he placed his head on my shoulder and took out his phone, recording America and Canada fighting as we walked away from them. "They're going to be around us almost constantly now, aren't they Russki?"

"Yup." I popped the 'p' and heard another giggle from Germany. "What funny-oh." I had turned around, and now it was just a pile up. "Guys, hurry up, we miss dinner if slow!" I set Germany back on the ground and grabbed his hand, holding it gently as we walked back towards the house.

As soon as we had gotten home everyone bombarded us with questions until France got them to leave us alone and go off to the living room whilst myself and Germany helped France with dinner, mainly to keep us out of the way of being bombarded with questions from the others. Dinner went as smooth as it could go - not. I was immediately hugged by my father when they came in, and got some judgemental glares from my grandfather but I didn't care about his opinion. Reichtangle just seemed as confused as ever, and quite possibly pissed off that he would have to interact with my grandfather now. 

Germany was sat down next to me, quite possibly for protection from Canada as he kept trying to whisper stuff into his ear that made him red and gently slap Canada's face away, only for Japan to try as well. I assumed it was sexual tips, because a) he looked extremely uncomfortable, and b) that's Canada and Japan for you. I saw him squirming, and I sighed, talking to him in a hushed voice as people stopped bombarding us and instead went on with the usual family christmas chatter. 

"You okay?"

" hurts, Russland..."

"I know, Money...just eat what's on your plate and you can go and wash, alright?" He nodded and slowly ate, and I found myself watching over him to make sure that he ate. Everyone finished after a while of laughter, America failing to stuff three yorkshire puddings into his mouth at once and Canada laughing his ass off. I yelped as I felt a wrist grabbed and I was pulled out of the room and into a side room. Britain, America and Canada was all standing there. I gulped, feeling a little nervous. They all looked deadly serious, and I shoved my hands into my pockets before Canada spoke first.

"You break the bread's heart and you're going to hell-"

"Canada, please. First of all, Germany is not a loaf of bread, he is a country that will be fully involved with his land in half a year. Secondly, you will not be killing anyone." Britain placed a hand on Canada's shoulder. "Yes, we were here to tell you about Germany...I'm sure you know about his...relationship with his father?"

"No existing?"

"You can say that again, chap...he's probably not told you most things..." Britain stepped closer to me and whispered some things into my ear, things that I had worried and hoped that was not the case between Germany and his father. I almost gagged at the stuff that he was telling me, but held it together. And this was only the stuff that Germany had told Britain. Somehow I knew there was more to it. "Oh, and Switzerland said that his cramps may make him...y'know..."


"Yes, but not always out of careful, lad."

"I will, I will. Thank, Britain." I was allowed to go, and thankfully I left rather quickly, feeling the warning stares from both America and Canada. I went up to the nearest bathroom, not even thinking that Germany could be in there since there was about 7 bathrooms total in the house. I opened the door and both of us just stared at each other, and I immediately backed out, shut the door and started apologising. 

"Vodka, you don't need to apologise, I was just drying myself-"

"But I did not knock or anything! God I stupid!"

"No you're not!" He opened the door again, thankfully dressed this time, and immediately hugs me. "Shush, it's alright...I should have locked the door." He boops my nose before I could start up an argument again. "I need the bed...these pains are killing me..." I nodded and meekly followed him, and sat down on the bed when he clambered into the bed.

"What you need me-" He grabbed my hands and put them onto his waist. 

"Cold, bitte ((please))." I nodded and made them cold before smiling as I watched him fall asleep. Or so I thought.

I'm cutting it shorter than planned tonight, because 1) I'm tired, 2) Brain block, and 3) N ext chapter may be the most awkward chapter I've ever written...and no it's not because it's going to be Germany and Russia disagreeing, quite the opposite actually...




okay yes the next chapter quite possibly will have smut in it okay don't judge me-

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