Chapter 8: Prussia.

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--Germany's POV--

I waited in the chair as Prussia went off to get 'a surprise'. Memories started to flood back and I remembered how these surprises were always a hit or miss, though his mannerisms seems to have changed since I last saw him. And he got taller. How a nearly 500 year old country, after years of not growing, suddenly growing is beyond me. I was jerked out of my thoughts from hearing him come back, a folded cloth over his arm.

"Germany, I heard from Pridain zat vu haffe magic broblems...I know I had zee zame broblem, put I don't vant vu to vait 100 years for your bovers like I did vith mine..." He took the cloth and handed it to me, placing it in my lap. I gently held it before looking at him. "Ich vonter if vu haffe zee zame bovers as me...try zee cloak on, it might react to vu effen if vu can't uze your magic right now." I stood up and unfolded it, before wrapping it around my shoulders. 

The fabric was cold, and I looked at my great-grandfather just watched. "Badience Germany. It might take-" As soon as he said that, I felt the fabric wrap around me, and it started to get warm. It didn't feel scary, even though I hated small spaces. It was comforting, and felt familiar. 

"Uropa?" I could see him smiling.

"Vu do haffe zee zame bovers...okay, lets hurry pack to Pridain...I zought it vould pe harter zan zat." He held my shoulder as we walked out, my grandfather practically bouncing in excitement since he couldn't speak. Prussia didn't even bother to knock on UK's door, which I found highly rude but it was my great-grandfather. 


The shout jumped UK, and Russia and his father were still in the room, having gotten carried away with talking. I looked at Russia and smiled. "Hello,'s nice und varm in here." He just stared at me, so I slowly walked over to him and wrapped one side of my cloak around him. I smiled as he looked shocked.

"Damn, it varrrm...I'm surrrprrrised, norrrmally ve get ourrr poverrrs frrrom ourrr parrrents but it seems zat shadow one skips generrrations sometimes." I nodded and took the cloak back, chuckling as it had stopped changing its length. It was now down to the middle of my lower leg, and it had gently released its hold from me. 

"By golly you do have shadow manipulation! But it seems to just be reacting to your magic...this means that there is most definately something going wrong with hormones...oh, Germany. You have permission to wear that cloak at all times, since now it is like your magic. Much like Poland and Kazakhstan's wings, or Canada's camera, much to my displeasurement. How that man is always hiding in my closet gives me the creeps."

I nodded and bowed my head before giggling as I made it wrap around me more again.

This was going to be fun.

Yes it is 2am. Yes I am releasing an extremely short chapter. Sorry, my dear readers. I'm tired. I promise, a big chunky chapter tomorrow!

Word count: 494

Our Parents as Enemies (RusGer)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang