Chapter 10: bunker time baby

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WARNING: Description of a panic attack, vomiting, self-inflicted wounds, graphic descriptions of said self-inflicted wounds, Third Reich being an annoying piece of shit. You have been warned.

--Germany's POV--

I was still a little embarrassed after Canada trying to put us together, and I silently sat at the table, chewing on whatever Russia had dumped on my plate. I trusted Russia to put stuff onto my plate, and I ate it so it wouldn't make him worried. I could hear Canada snickering a little and I looked up at him, which for some reason made him giggle. 

His friend group was huge. Both Japan and Italy had joined back with us with China, who technically was a teacher but was one of those teachers that sat with the students, North and South Korea, Philippines, Martial Law, and others that I couldn't pronounce their names and honestly couldn't remember. I had never, ever, been in such a big friend group and it slightly scared me, until I saw Japan's face and got a little worried rather than scared. It looked as if he was going to explode, his cheeks puffed out and red.


"I can't hold it back anymore!" He slammed his hands down and stood up, some of Canada's friends looking shocked but I was used to this. He's going to go on another shipping rant. "I ship you and Russia as much as I ship Canada and Poland!" I sighed and rubbed my nose.

"Japan, instead of ranting about Russia, how about you go off on another rant about Canada and Poland?" I was trying to avoid his attention, since I could feel that Russia was uncomfortable beside me.

"Japon, non, s'il vous plaît-" Japan cut Canada

"日本はい! (Nihon wa i!)" He started to go on, but in English. "First of all, they so do like each other, I can tell! Secondly, Poland is just a tsundere Canada, you need to just ask him, I know he likes you, his face just says so!" He continued on his rant as I casually drank my coffee, waiting for Russia to finish his food so we could go back to the room and get changed. He had told me that he was going to help me with my powers tonight, so we were going to go out to an isolated part of the protected zone to practice. I felt a tug on my arm, and suddenly we were pulled out, luckily my coffee was in one of those takeaway cups. We stood outside the hall, Russia still halfway through his mouthful and finishing it off before swallowing and talking.

"Japan vent into us tvo being together again and I zink father hearrrd so I grrrabbed you and rrrushed outside but I don't zink any of zem saw us aparrrt frrrom Kanada prrrobably and-" I patted his arm. 

"Rememper vat vu tell me. Preathe, Russland." I waited until he was breathing normally and then I tensed up as an extremely loud sound went off.


I immediately panicked after literally just telling Russia not to panic. I hated alarms, hated them, and this one wasn't the standard fire alarm, nor the weather alarm. It was one of those very high pitched ones, the ones that UK told me that I would never ever hear. Intruders to the school. 

I felt myself being picked up but I couldn't register what was going on. I smelt fire even though I knew there was no fire. There was an awful taste in my mouth, and I felt my throat block. My vision was going in-between black and blurred, and I just kept breathing irregularly and very quickly.

--Russia's POV--

Fuck. The alarms. The last time I heard these, it was one of the ex-countries going on a rampage, or more specifically, Austria-Hungry being an asshole and slapping my dad, which ended in a bust up. I tried to get Germany to move, but he was not moving. I knew it was easy to set him off in a panic, so I did the most logical thing and picked him up, putting him over my shoulder before running to the nearest bunker, not caring about him throwing up over my back, where people were already going down into it. I hated pushing, but one of the teachers saw the almost passed out Germany and got me to go down into the bunker relatively quickly. I got him straight to a room, where I sat him down and waited for a teacher to come to us. 

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