Explaining the AU

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Hey, my brain has been working overtime. So, countryhuman AU time!!

Once a country reaches an age where they are ready to take over their father's/mother's country, they are sent to a boarding school which houses countries, states/cities and humans, normally high ranking humans who will work in such areas as military or politics.

WORLD WARS, INCLUDING MASS GENOCIDE, DID NOT HAPPEN. World wars that are mentioned are simply CHs falling out with each other and beating each other up. Humans were not harmed. This is not to say that Third Reich or any other countries are good; they are most definately evil and will be portrayed as such.

Countries are immortal. This is how Roman Empire, Reichtangle and any other ex countries are still alive, and it also explains how Poland survive being ripped in half. Countries also have magic types, and others have very specific types of magic. For example, North Korea has generalised radiation type magic, whereas Japan is strictly limited to teleportation.

Aside from that. Here are some profiles for this story. And most of this story will be in Germany's POV. I'll add sketches throughout the chapters but you don't have to look at them. Next chapters will include all of these people's pictures, don't worry :)

Name: Deutschland/Germany
Age: 30
Looks: 25
Nicknames: n/a
Hobbies: Experimenting/making survival equipment out of everyday objects, designing mad but very plausible machinery. Also playing musical instruments and drawing.
Family: Third Reich, Second Reich, Reichtangle/German Empire. East and West Germany are voices inside his head.
Other info: Student. Is a nervous wreck, due to this he drops stuff in his hands a lot, and a workaholic who has several panic attacks in a day and tends to not socialise. Has sharp teeth and a black iris with red pupils. Wears thick glasses, and is essentially blind without them. Has several pairs on him at all times because of his habit.
Magic type: Shadow

Name: Russia
Age: 29
Looks: 35
Nicknames: Russki, Russy, Russ
Hobbies: Vodka and wrestling bears.
Family: Belarus (sister), Ukraine (sister), USSR (father), Prussia Kingdom (grandfather), Kazakhstan (cousin), Poland (unofficially adopted brother)
Other info: Student. Is a functioning alcoholic. At this point, he could be wasted but still be able to disguise the fact that he is wasted pretty well. Has a few scars on his face from wrestling bears. Self harms, keeps his arms bandaged up. Always keeps his ushanka on.
Magic type: Strength

Name: United States of America/America
Age: 244
Looks: 20 ish
Nicknames: Ame, U.S., 'murica
Hobbies: Being as gay as possible,
Family: Britain (father), France (step-father), Canada (step-brother), Australia (step-brother), New Zealand (step-sister)
Other info: Teacher. Doesn't have the best relationship with his father but it is a lot better than 200 years ago. Gets creeped out by Canada sometimes, it's the grin, that grin that just says I will film you doing sex and you will enjoy it. America would know best, it was how he found out about his brothers somewhat worrying site.
Magic: Telepathic communication.

Name: The Dominion of Canada/Canada
Age: 152
Looks: 30 ish
Nicknames: Maple, Syrup, Can can, Nada
Hobbies: Eating maple syrup with everything, being sociable, making people smile.
Family: UK (Father), France (Father), America (step-brother), Australia (brother), New Zealand (sister)
Other info: Student. Despite being older than modern day Poland, he is not unhappy to still be a student, seeing it as a great learning opportunity. He always keeps a camera on him, and he has an um...bad side to him. Basically, filming whoever he can find screwing, whether that be countries or humans, and uploading it to his site. You know the site I'm talking about.
Magic: The ability to rewind wtf just happened.

Name: Poland
Age: 102
Looks: 15. No, seriously.
Nicknames: n/a (doesn't like nicknames)
Hobbies: Spending time with reliable countries.
Family: Despite having a grudge against Russia's father, he sees Russia as a brother, the main fact being that the USSR has apologised several times to Poland and hurt him severally less than Third Reich.
Other info: Teacher. Despite being younger than Canada, they have existed for a long time, just fading in and out of history for a while. Age is based on the modern Poland, established on the 3rd of November, 1918. You call him cute, you're getting a foot to the crotch. Also he still holds a grudge against Germany and Russia's father's for kidnapping him (basically the equivalent of Poland being shared between TR and USSR). Also wings and an unhealthy scar down the front of his face. Which he likes to point out whenever someone tries to bring up the fact that Germany is, in fact, not his father.
Magic type: Flying

That's all for now, now enjoy and I shall be back soon with the first chapter!!!

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