Chapter 5: First day of class

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--Germany's POV--

I didn't sleep, at all. I was worrying myself too much and I knew I shouldn't do that but I did it anyway. I found out about my father after Russia mentioned what had happened to me to one of his brothers. Apparently, he was hired as a janitor and was supposed to have a guard over him at all times. Not to protect him, but to protect others from him. Well, obviously the guard watching over Third Reich was fired after the incident. I swung my leg over before sitting up, stretching and grabbing my glasses. If I was awake, I was awake, so I might as well do something useful.

I put my prosthetic on and a curse left my lips, I was still not used to the tightness around my stump and it hurt a little too. I stood up and glanced at my crutches. I hated them so much, but I should use them before I got yelled at by Switzerland like last time. Keeping this in mind I grabbed a rucksack before shoving my usual selection inside - blue paper, chalk, my sketchbook, watercolour pencils, lighter and cigarettes which Canada managed to get for me. I didn't know how he managed to get half of the stuff that he brought me and I wasn't going to ask since I had a sneaking suspicion how. I swung the rucksack over my shoulders and grabbed my crutches before quietly going out of the door, taking my keycard with me.

Once I was outside, I relaxed a little. The quietness soothed me, and I slowly walked until I found a nice spot under a tree. Using my jacket as a blanket, I sat down on it before taking out a cigarette and lighting it. I had picked up the bad habit from my father, but I wasn't going to stop any time soon. It helped to clear my brain. Holding the cigarette in my mouth, I rolled out a bit of blue paper and grabbed a piece of chalk, sketching away what was on my mind. It was yet another tank design, but with new pieces of technology in it. 

I got carried away with it, and the next time I looked up the sun was rising and some noise was coming from the building, signifying that people were up already. I took my phone out and looked at it, and sighed as it was 0830. Damn, I was drawing for four hours? Guess I got carried away again. I put everything into a bag and was standing up just as two figures ran at me, and I almost immediately recognised them as Canada and Russia. 

"Is hefferyzing okay-"

"Germany!" Canada hugged me and buried his neck into my shoulder, rocking me as Russia explained, still catching his breath.

"Kanada vas vorrried zat Zirrrd RRReich took you beforrre he vas trrransforrrmed into ball, I had feeling you verrre prrrobably herrre in quiet spot." I nodded before doing a double-take.

"Vait, mein Vater has peen transformed into ein pall?" They both nodded and I sighed. "At least he can't hurt anyone hanymore, I guess." I leaned on my crutches as Canada took my bag. "Danke, Kanada." I slowly walked towards the building, the other two of them being cautious. It was nice but also started to get annoying real quick. Just because I was slow didn't mean I couldn't walk. It just meant I was taking my time so I wouldn't fall over.

We got to the dining hall and I hated how it all went extremely silent as I walked in. I could almost feel the pairs of eyes burning into my skin and I shivered a little. Canada had already walked off to see his friends, so I went over to a table in the corner that was unoccupied. Russia came with. 

"Russland?" He seemed unfazed as he sat next to me before grabbing food off of the table. "Russland, vu didn't need-"

"Nonsense, komrade. You don't need to be alone. Plus it's brrreakfast and zis table has lot of food on it." I chuckled a little before grabbing a sausage. I munched on it before realising what he said. 

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