Chapter 11: Canada puts sense into Poland

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Go sub to the YouTuber above. Their animations are amazing.

A quick PSA on how male preg and shit like that works: they can still get all the lovely cramps and shit, just none of the blood stuff. They can be temperamental. And different men have different cycles: one can have one week in ever 3 months, but another can have one week every month. Or, like Russia, a full month in a year, or like a certain unlucky country, one month on and one month off. Because why the hell not, I like being creative and unfortunately that includes male preg.

Also yes, warnings are: male period talks (because why not), lots of CanPol fluff and a Germany that doesn't really have the right frame of mind. And bluffs = codename for countries that have cramps.

--Germany's POV--

I was terrified, not having let go of Russia at all for the past 8 hours except when either myself or Russia had to use the bathroom. All I could think about was my father somehow making it into the bunker with guns and perhaps a vest, like he had before. He had tried all of this before but forgot that countries were immortal, so Switzerland was just able to piece him back together. I whimpered as Russia came back from the kitchen and I immediately clung onto him, a little gentler than I had done previously. I saw the crisps (CRISPS, NOT CHIPS) and looked up at him. For some reason, in the past hours that we've been down here, I've somehow reverted back to a semi child-like state, but Austria said that that was probably due to shock. 

"R-Russland...vill...zey help?" I poked the packet. "Und vat kind are zey?"

"Salted." He opened the packet and pointed it to me. "Vant one?" I nod, but just opened my mouth. I saw him hesitate before feeding me a crisp. I happily munched on it, leaning my head on his chest just as Canada came in, carrying what seemed like a massive bundle of blankets.

"Zank you Kanada, I'm surrrprrrised zey had sparrres after giving zem out to known bluffs."

"Ack, I wasn't exactly lying, non?" He put them beside us and Russia immediately grabbed one before wrapping it around himself and sighing. I yawned before unwrapping myself from him, curling up on the couch and drifting off.

--Canada's POV-- ((yes, finally))

I watched Russia as he readjusted the blanket around him. At this point, I was very glad of the pills that I took to stop my cramps, because they were never fun. I made sure Germany was asleep before talking to Russia quietly.

"Do you know when his will start?" I pointed to Germany, in which he responded with a shake of his head. "If you need anything, I'll be in the room beside you guys, d'accord? You have my number Russie." I stood up and made sure they were both wrapped up before rubbing his head and walking out. I would have slept with them but I didn't want to make it awkward. That and I was already paired with another country, I didn't know who but I wished it was a certain one.

Poland. I wanted to help him so bad, but he seemed to cut me off at every chance. I really really wanted to help him. I didn't want him to stay mad at Germany for the rest of his life. I knocked on the door. And to my surprise, Ukraine came to the door.

"Ah, Ukraine! I'm sorry, I must have-"

"No, you are here. I'm sharing with Poland too, since he's my step sibling and all..." She coughed and I quickly went inside, helping her back over to her bed. "Thanks's not been going well, y'know?"

"Ack, I guessed as much. And Poland?"

"He's hiding in the bathroom...he won't come out."

At that mention, I made sure Ukraine was okay before going to the bathroom and knocking on the door.

Our Parents as Enemies (RusGer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora