Chapter 7: Poland is a snitch

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Time skip. By the power of Germany's beer and Russia's vodka, it is now December (school started halfway through August for any of yous wondering. That's how the Scottish schools work here). Russia and Germany are at this point inseparable, and Germany has been put into Russia's classes due to being too smart for his own good lol. Russia's grades have actually gotten slightly better due to Germany maybe doing some homework for him.

Most countries have gotten round to realising that Germany is, in fact, not the Third Reich, but some cough Poland cough do not believe him.

--Germany's POV--

I walked towards the music classroom, pulling my accordion behind me as Russia came along with me. He didn't play anything, but he sat and watched ever since he found out a couple of weeks ago that I played music. It wasn't my national instrument, but it was still something German. I was still trying to get him to play something, but he said he preferred to watch. That was fine with me, at least he didn't judge when I made mistakes. 

We went over to a side room of Mr France's classroom, and we left the door slightly ajar as France requested, just to make sure that we weren't plotting to explode the room to smithereens. Not that they would, but it was just a precautionary feature. I lifted the accordion into my lap and checked that everything was working as it should before starting to mess around on it, occasionally practising the pieces that France wanted me to practice. Near the end of the practice, both of us looked to the door as the door was knocked on, and France stuck his head in. 

"Germany, Mr UK has requested to see as well, can leave your instrument here, and I'll take it back to your dorm..." 

I nodded and stood up, walking with Russia to UK's office. I clutched my hands together as to not show that I was a little terrified. I didn't know whether I had forgotten homework or had done something wrong or the most likely option if Poland had complained to the UK about us again. Probably the latter. Poland wouldn't listen to anyone and constantly objected to the two of us being students. A lot of thinking later, and I almost walked straight into UK's door, and I would have done if not for Russia holding me back, patting my shoulder before knocking on his door. There was a clank of china, and footsteps getting closer to the door, and I kept my eyes trained to the floor as the UK opened his door. 

"Ah, the chaps I needed to see. Come in, come in, and make yourselves comfortable." I walked in behind Russia and nearly froze up at what I saw. 

Why was USSR there? Why was my grandfather there? Did I do something serious? I walked over to the seat that the UK pointed to and I gingerly sat down. I felt a reassuring gloved pat on the shoulder and a soft grunt from my grandfather. I glanced at the table and oh shit. My blueprints. Poland probably complained that much that they raided my no no, those weren't for others to look at, I hadn't even told Russia that I had been doing blueprints for literally everything...

A cough from the UK made me jump and look up at him. He seemed to have been saying something but stopped when he saw me panicking. "Chap, are you okay?" I slowly nodded and folded my hands into my lap. "I habologize, Pritain...could vu rebeat zat?" He sighed and nodded back before straightening up more. 

"There are two reasons why you two are here, the first of which you have obviously realised. The second, probably not. The first reason is all those blueprints on the table. Now, we had several requests from a teacher to investigate suspicious activity...personally I didn't find it suspicious but we had to go through with the procedures...Germany..." 

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