31 - Money-Maker pt 2.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for calling me. We really would've been in trouble with the seniors." Cho Ma smiled slightly at Y/n which was rare. 

"Yeah, i get it, thanks for coming Cho." 

Cho Ma nodded walking away with another sophomore who started bickering with him before completely leaving the lunch room. 

Daniel noticed not only Y/n but the kiss Cho had given her. He tried to get her to look at him but it was no use. She completely ignored him, and headed off to sit next to Eli. 

Daniel clenched his fists at the sight and tried to go talk to her again but Vasco caught his attention. Vasco promised him that he'd get him the next time. Daniel started to felt droopy and tired. He felt his eyelids already shutting but that could wait, he needed to talk with Y/n. 

"Hey, Eli, sis." 

They both greeted Y/n, noticing her angry face. Crystal already knew it was Daniel who cause it. And she only hated him more for that. Eli had been thinking back to last night when he had been working at the salon. Daniel was attended by the professionals and Eli watched that he had came with a regular Escort. He knew Daniel was different and no ordinary high schooler...but this was way over the top. 

Y/n sat down and looked at Eli. "Eli this morning i lost my wallet, i don't know where i left it, so maybe i thought you could've saw it when i bumped into you this morning?" Y/n said, sighing. Eli smiled, remembering. "Yeah, actually... I have it right here." Eli said, handing the girl the black wallet. Y/n gasped. "Thank you so much! I had been trying to find it earlier today after i bumped into you, but it wasn't there and neither were you so i just thought you may have picked it up! Thanks again..." Y/n said, sighing in relief and sticking her wallet in her back skirt's front pocket. Eli frowned. "Aren't you going to check if everything's there?" He asked. Y/n smiled, sweetly. "No, i trust you." 

Eli was taken back, and he immediately felt that warm feeling in his chest again. Crystal already saw this coming. "Oh brother..." She mumbled. 

"Why...why were you mad earlier? I saw you walk in with the sophomore... Is he your boyfriend?" Eli asked, cautious.

"Oh no! He's not, he's just a friend i made... at the festival." Y/n said, her anger slowly draining. Eli beamed. "Oh well,,, did something happen with him or...?"

Y/n's sweet smile turned into an angry frown again. "No. Not with him."


Y/n looked to the side seeing Daniel walking towards her. She scoffed. Eli got the hint and frowned at Daniel. 

"Y/n...D-do you want to eat together?" Daniel asked. Y/n got up again, without a word and walked out of the lunch room. Eli watched as the girl left and Daniel trailed behind. He got up to follow after them, but girls crowed around him asking for his number. 

"O-oh sorry! I don't have a phone." Eli smiled, trying to get through. He felt someone hit his back. Vin Jin had smacked him telling him to get out of he way again. "Purple i told you to stay out of the way. Do you really want to die?" 

Eli nervously looked towards the hallway outside of the lunch room seeing Y/n quickly walk away from Daniel. But he kept walking after her. 

"Stop following me." He heard her say. Daniel only asked her why she kept running away, but didn't listen to a word Y/n said. Eli scratched his neck. "Sorry, i'll move."

As Vin Jin proudly held his head high, thinking himself better than Eli, Eli ran to the doors, looking side to side on which way they could've gone. 


"Why are you doing this? Just leave me alone, Daniel, you're drunk." Y/n demanded. She crossed her arms, glaring at Daniel who stumbled from one foot to another. She placed her back on the wall, shaking her head.

"C'mon, Y/n....why are you so mad at me~?" Daniel asked, taking a few steps towards the girl. 

"I'm mad because you didn't listen to me. I told you not to listen t those types of people yet you still decided to listen to that old guy! Over your own friend! Who only wanted the best for you by giving you some advice." Y/n glared at him, huffing.

"Aw...i'm sorry...." Daniel said placing a hand right next to her head on the wall. "You look so cute when your pouting." 

"Daniel. Stop." Y/n warned. She kept her arms crossed at her chest, ready to strike if he did anything. Of course she had planned to be gentle since he was drunk. 

"Y/n~....Please just don't...avoid me..." Daniel stumbled over his own feet, making himself step too much and fall too close to Y/n's face. She could feel his breath on her lips, but she didn't move. He's too drunk... As Daniel inched even closer to Y/n's lips, Y/n saw Daniel's hand being yanked away from the wall and away from Y/n. 

"What are you doing?" They heard the guy say. Y/n frowned as she saw the anger in Eli's eyes. 



***End of Money-Maker pt 2***

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