7.) Something Cool Happens And I'm Not Around To See It

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1:05 ───⊙─────── 2:53

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playιng: [Fʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ Oᴜᴛ Tʜᴇ Nᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʜᴏᴏᴅ] - [Mᴀᴄ DᴇMᴀʀᴄᴏ]


     Cheer practice began with a chilly set of dynamic stretches around the lacrosse pitch, and ended two hours later than Xan really had the patience for. All she wanted was to get home, and maybe get in a nice nap before she had to begin the nightly struggle with homework.

     The universe was not about to let her get what she wanted though. Xan had waved goodbye to her teammate Willa, who'd been kind enough to drop her off after Lydia became tired of waiting for her, and barely set one foot inside the door before being bombarded with chaos. Feet stomped down the stairs at what must've been both a record speed and volume, and Devereaux's socks almost caused him to wipe out on the hardwood in front of her. Flinching away from the goofball, Xan held her gym bag in front of her like a shield.

     "Pip you will not believe what happened at tryouts today!"

     "Why would I not believe you, are you often dishonest with me?"

     "Quit acting like a Victorian orphan and listen, it's about Scott,"

     "Oh my gods, what happened? Did he get hurt more?", she began to fret, shedding her shoes and other layers, haphazardly tossing them around her. "I saw that shot he took to the face, right before practice moved into the gym. What was Coach thinking, putting him in goal like that?" A trail of jackets, one shoe, then the next, and her bags traced her path as she followed Ro into the kitchen.

     "Well it was likely to help the others feel better by humiliating him, but that's besides the point. That shot to the face was misleading, he was incredible,"

     "Dude get off the counter. We make food there, why would we want your ass all over it?"

     "Ugh you sound like mom," he whined, hopping back down to the floor, beginning to root through the pantry. It was remarkable to Xan exactly how much her brother resembled the common grizzly bear in his day-to-day life. "Anyways, it started with Scott saying that this was the year that he'd make first line,"

     "And I'm sure that like the good friends you are, you and Stiles supported and encouraged his goals, right?"

     "Yeah... we'll go with that story,"

      "You guys suck," she said, grabbing a banana from on top of the fridge, before perching herself on the edge of the sink. It was the small distinction between sink and counter that allowed Xan to justify her minor seating choice hypocrisy, which her brother noticed. He tried to rectify the injustice by using his foot to push her off, before surrendering when she threatened to spray him with the small hose. "Okay, okay, stop. So, it started with Scott being unrealistically optimistic, then getting put in goal, and being knocked on his ass... how did it end?"

     "Well, after the cheer squad left, at possibly the most embarrassing time for Scott, it was like he became a whole other person! After that he caught every single shot-"

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