Into The Bunker-Part One

Start from the beginning

"Look out!" Mabel screamed, at the TV screen.

Her voice alone caused Dipper to jolt awake. Bill could only imagine how red his face was, when the brunette turned to him. Not as red as Dipper's, he supposed, as a deep blush contrasted against the brunette's pale complexion.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lean on you like that," He stuttered, about to get up.

Bill didn't know what implored him, but he grabbed the brunette's wrist to stop him. "It's alright," He reassured, gently.

That didn't seem to calm Dipper down, as he pulled away from Bill's grip, and stood up from the sofa. When Mabel and Wendy turned to him curiously, this was his only response:

"I should go to bed," Dipper said, hastily. "Sorry, I can't finish the movie with you all."

Mabel gave him a soft smile. "It's alright, bro-bro, I'll tell you how it ends."

Dipper mirrored her smile, before he left the shack a moment later. Bill frowned, and Will gave him a look of sympathy, but the blond ignored his brother's gaze. A while later, the movie finally ended, and both Wendy and Mabel bid the twins farewell. After they were alone, Will turned to Bill with a serious expression.

"Bill, I know I shouldn't pry into your personal life," The blue haired boy started. "But, this back and forth between you and Dipper is becoming hard to watch. Maybe, it's about time you confessed?"

Bill rolled his eyes. "Wow, that sounds like a swell idea. How do you prefer I confess to him? Hey, I destroyed your home dimension and possibly gave your entire family trauma, wanna date?"

Will sighed. "Bill, you know Dipper stopped caring about what happened with your past life."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I stopped caring," Bill replied, seriously. "I want to be more than friends with him, but it's kinda hard, when I have to remember all the things I did to cause him pain."

"Well, that's not you anymore," Will said, firmly. "And no matter how many mistakes you made in the past, you sure made it up to Dipper this summer. So, don't be so hard on yourself."

Bill made a faint smile. "You might be right."

"I'm pretty sure, I am," The blue haired boy said. "Whenever you decide to confess, don't make it too late, your true love isn't going to wait forever."

"Love?" Bill repeated, flushing. "Don't be so dramatic, Will. It's a crush, at best."

Will grinned. "If you say so."

"Yeah, because I'm right," The blond shot back. "True love? Seriously, this isn't some poorly made rom-com. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him."

However, later that night, Bill ended up laying on his bed, staring up blankly at the ceiling.

Bill turned towards the other side of the room. "Will, do your brother a favour, and knock me out with a lamp or something."

"No," Will said, laying under his blanket, and not turning towards the blond.



The next day, was another day at the shack, and the group were gathered around the living room table. Journal #3 laid opened on the table, with Dipper shining a black light over one of it's pages.

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