Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 21

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"Draco Malfoy! I will drag you out of this office if I have to." I threatened him.

"I'm not babysitting stupid kids!" He argued.

"If we want to learn how to raise a kid, we need to hang out with kids." I thought it would've been a no brainer for Draco.

"Darcy! Please don't make me do this! I have to deal with kids all day every day!" He whined.

"Draco...we have other things to worry about. Babysitting kids is easy and won't be a big deal. I babysat when I was younger, with Hermione's supervision of course. I'd rather not worry about taking care of a kid on our wedding day in 6 months." I argued.

"Darcy, we spend 24 hours a day each year taking care of kids. I think we have it covered." He was trying to weasel his way out.

"Draco. We deal with 14-16 year olds. We're gonna have a baby in 9 months. There's a difference. And besides, we're babysitting 11 year olds." I crossed my arms.

"Fine. Who's devilish kids are we babysitting?" He looked at me annoyed.

"Luna's kids, Liam and Lila Scamander." I smiled.

"Did Luna not marry Neville?" Draco was certainly confused.

"No. They're friends though. Luna married Rolf Scamander, Newt Scamander's grandson." I remembered learning about him in Hogwarts: A History.

"Newt Scamander?" Draco clearly never focused in history class.

"He's one of the wizarding worlds most notorious troublemakers. He was friends with a muggle who accidentally discovered that he was a wizard! His life nowadays is more normal." I was so excited to meet his great-grandchildren.

"Ugh. I have to babysit Looney Lovegood's kids. What has my life come to?" Draco dramatically sat down.

"Luna Scamander and she's not as bad as you think. She's the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She gets to work with Thestrals and Acromantulas!" I had studied a bit about magical creatures.

"Acromantulas? Like Aragog, the giant spider that Hagrid kept (illegally) in the forbidden forest?" Draco was now scared.

"Exactly, although importing, selling or even having an acromantula can get you arrested..." I was kinda glad about that.

"Hopefully her offspring aren't as looney as she was." Draco scoffed.

"I hope our kid isn't as self absorbed as you were." I raised an eyebrow at him, my arms still crossed.

"Hey!" He stopped me from continuing, offended before smiling. "Good one." He laughed.
After a few hours, we had arrived at Luna's house, all prepared for her kids.

"I really appreciate you taking care of Lila and Liam." She hugged me.

"Well...don't tell anyone, but Draco and I are actually expecting a kid of our own and, like everyone else, we want to be prepared." I smiled.

"Well. Lila and Liam are in the living room, reading. They can basically do whatever they want unless it includes destroying the house or hurting themselves or each other. They've had dinner and they can have a small bowl of ice-cream for desert later. They should be in bed between 9-9:30, but no later. My contact numbers are on the fridge and everything should go just fine!" Luna seemed quite confident that her kids wouldn't burn the house down. I was hoping my future boy or girl would be just as respectful.

"Liam. Lila. These are some of my friends, Draco and Darcy. Be kind and don't disrespect them or it's no wands for a week." Luna walked out of the house, officially starting the night.

"Is it just me or are her kids super low-key?" Draco whispered to me.

"I think it's nice that they're like this." I smiled as I waved to Lila, who waved back.

"I one-hundred percent thought that they would be running around the house screaming by now." Draco was pleasantly surprised.

"Well, if I know anything, our kid is going to be nothing like this when they are older." I shook my head in disappointment, hoping for a good kid. As we looked around, Liam was missing.

"Uh, Lila, where is your brother?" I started to panic.

"Don't worry Darcy, Liam has just gone to get another book. We're in the middle of a reading competition. Whoever reads the most books before the week is up, wins. We have 4 hours until our competition is over. I'm ahead of him by 2 books!" I giggled slightly. Hermione would've been exactly like this when she was their age.

We smiled before making our way to the kitchen, going on with our night, also reading...parenting books.
The night ended after 5 hours. Luna came home with Rolf, who went straight upstairs.

"Thank you so much! I hope they didn't cause much trouble?" She seemed slightly nervous.

"Oh no! They just read books all night. I think Draco learned something from one of our parenting books as well." I jokingly nudged Draco.

We left her house, feeling a little more confident about taking care of a kid.

"Promise me we never have to do that again?" Draco attempted to plead.

"Maybe not with Luna's kids. But they were really calm and nice." I kept walking till I reached my office.

"Excuse me?" Draco was scared.

"We might try and babysit James or Hugo next time." I opened the door.

"Oh...no! I'm not babysitting another kid, ever! The only kid that I'll ever look after is my own child, thank you very much!" Draco made his plans very clear.

"Goodnight babe." I kissed him. He hugged me and kissed me back before I opened my office door. I watched as Draco walked off. I really can't wait to see how he handles our child.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now