Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 24

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I couldn't believe it. My nephew was in Slytherin. Harry and Ginny had told me how Albus always talked about being sorted into Gryffindor and, like his father, would become a seeker for Gryffindor's quidditch team, but now, he was crying near the courtyard.

"Slytherin...huh." I started the conversation.

"So that's it. 11 years of my life wasted, all because I was sorted into Slytherin. Why? I wished, I hoped, I prayed, that I'd be put into Gryffindor like my father. And yet The Sorting Hat put me in Slytherin. My entire future is ruined." Albus put his head into his hands in utter disappointment.

"Albus...have you ever thought why The Sorting Hat put you into Slytherin?" I asked.

"Probably because it thinks I'm cunning. It's wrong." He scoffed.

"The Sorting Hat isn't wrong. I think the reason why The Sorting Hat put you into Slytherin was because you were afraid to lose your best friend." I tried to sympathise with him.

"What are you talking about?" Albus seemed confused.

"Ever since you and Scorpius were born, you acted like brothers. You would steal each others toys, wear each others clothes...if he was crying, you were crying...and if he was joyful, you were joyful. You acted like twins, even though you were from different families. You're related by blood. You're cousins and yet, you acted like brothers." I explained his past.

"And The Sorting Hat could sense your fear. Your fear that if you were sorted into Gryffindor, you'd lose your best friend. You'd be forced to compete against each other for the house cup, or even in quidditch. That's why The Sorting Hat put you into Slytherin. Because it saw the brotherly love that you've had for Scorpius your entire life." I could see the tears forming in Albus' eyes.

"And everyone could see it. I was shocked. Scorpius, I could see it in his face, he was shocked to know that you weren't in Gryffindor. I bet that he, like everyone else in that hall, heard the word Gryffindor in their minds, but instead, you were put in Slytherin. And that's a good thing. The Sorting Hat didn't put you in Slytherin because you're cunning...you were put in Slytherin because of your relationship with Scorpius. You're cousins, but you acted like brothers." I smiled.

"The Sorting Hat saw that fear, that if you were put into Gryffindor, you'd lose your best friend. Don't think of it as a bad thing. Think of it as an opportunity. An opportunity to stand beside your best friend, through triumphs and turmoil. Now, go inside The Great Hall, sit next to your friend and enjoy your night." I smiled before he hugged me. I enjoyed this moment before he ran off back into The Great Hall.

"Wow...you really made him happy." Draco entered the courtyard, smiling as he held his hands in his robes.

"I just imagined that I was being told the same thing..." I smiled back, letting Draco sit down.

"Darcy. There's something you might want to know..." Draco's hand started shaking.

"Draco. What is it? What's wrong?" I was becoming concerned. I held his hand.

"The Sorting Hat may have put him into Slytherin, but it wasn't because of our son. I was an excellent student in Divinations and I hate to say this, but...Albus Severus Potter was destined to be in Slytherin, no matter how confident he was in becoming a Gryffindor..." Draco looked away.

"You mean to tell me that from the moment Albus was born, he was destined to be a Slytherin and not a Gryffindor?" I was shocked.

"Y-Yes." Draco stood up.

"We can't tell anyone." I stood up behind him.

"We have to at least tell his parents! If we don't he might go to Minerva and demand that The Sorting Hat put him into Gryffindor!" Draco argued against me.

"If we tell his parents, Minerva might be shamed and you'll be put into the spotlight again. Remember the last time? The last time you were in the public eye, you were accused of being Voldemort's son." I grabbed his arm, trying to reason with him.

"But if we don't, who knows how bad this could all get?" Draco let a tear slip.

"Fine. I'll arrange a meeting with Hermione, Harry and Ginny." I walked off back towards The Great Hall, nervous about having to tell Harry and Ginny that Albus was always destined to be in Slytherin.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin