Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 10

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It had been 7 years since The Battle of Hogwarts. It was now 2005.

Darcy Granger was now 22 years old, unmarried without kids and working under Headmistress McGonagall as Deputy Headmistress. She has been in the position for a year.

Hermione Granger was now 23 years old, married to Ronald Weasley with 1 child, Hugo Granger-Weasley. She worked as Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement before continuing to protect the magical community as the Minister for Magic. She also wrote a book, From Powerless to Powerful.

Ronald Weasley was now 23 years old, married to Hermione Granger with 1 child, Hugo Granger-Weasley. He happily became an Auror.

Harry Potter was now 23 years old and married to Ginny Weasley with 1 child, James Sirius Potter. He, like Ron, became an Auror. He then moved onto becoming the Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, replacing Hermione.

Draco Malfoy was now 23 years old, unmarried and without children. He works below Hermione as an Auror, having not seen Darcy or anyone from Hogwarts since he left with his parents.
I took a day off to visit my sister. Turns out, that was a mistake.

"Seriously Mione? This is the law you're going to make official?" I asked.

"Unfortunately yes. It was voted upon and 98 per cent of the Ministry voted for it." Hermione argued.

"So any wizard or witch who is currently unmarried will have to marry the person they are paired with within the next 2 years? And all this because of a stupid fear that the magical world will never properly thrive again?" This all seemed ridiculous.

"Can I at least know ahead of time who I'm supposed to marry within the next 2 years?" I asked. Hermione hesitantly handed me a piece of paper. I read the name.

"No. No! I'm not marrying Draco Malfoy with 2 years! No way! I burned all of my memories of him the day he broke up with me and left me crying and screaming in the middle of a battle field!" I objected.

"I'm sorry sis, but you don't have a choice." Hermione tried to apologise in the worst way.

Walking out of her office, I walked through the Ministry, being greeted by a lot of people.

"Good afternoon Professor Granger." Harry spoke to me as if we hadn't been friends for 14 years.

"Good afternoon to you too Harry." I smiled. As I continued walking, a familiar man with blonde hair walked past me, obviously noting who I was.

I needed to forget about him, so I headed towards the Floo Network, entering one of the many fireplaces before apparating out of the Ministry and appearing inside my own fireplace back at Hogwarts.

"Ah, Darcy, how was your visit to the Ministry? I hope it was worth the visit to see your sister?" Minerva asked as she entered my office, smiling kindly.

"It was less than ideal. A new law is coming out in 2 days and I'm not happy about it since it involves me." I exposed, prompting Minerva to sit down.

"What's the new law?" She asked, curious.

"Any witch or wizard who is currently unmarried, that includes me, must be married to their chosen partner within the next 2 years." I couldn't get the stupid law out of my head.

"That can't be so bad?" She asked, clearly wanting to hear what else I had to say.

"My chosen partner is Draco." I said, finishing off my big reveal.

"Oh dear." Is all she could say in response.

2 days had passed since my meeting with Hermione. As I marked papers, an owl, probably Hermione's own, flew into the room holding a letter in its beak.

I opened it, knowing what it was going to be about.

Dear recipient,
You have been requested by the Ministry of Magic to attend a mandatory meeting within the Ministry this afternoon. You should be prompt in your arrival.

-Hermione Granger, Minister of Magic.

"Nice to hear from you too sis." I said sarcastically as I looked up at the owl who began to fly away.
It had reached the afternoon, so I made my way to the Ministry. After 30 minutes, my sister was surrounded by at least 150 unmarried witches and wizards.

"For anyone who is wondering, this meeting is about a new law that I am enforcing from today." Hermione spoke, confusing a lot of people.

"From today, each unmarried witch and wizard before me will marry the person who has been chosen for them. The marriage must occur within the next 2 years." I unfortunately already knew this.

"If by the end of the 2 years, you and your partner are not married, you will be deemed a muggle. You will be stripped of your magic and your wand will be broken, permanently." Hermione was hesitant in revealing the last bit of information.

It was clear that she didn't want to strip anyone of their magic, but clearly she was outvoted by more of the Ministry council, which surprise, happened to be men.

"I will go through the list and set you up with your partners." Hermione announced. After 20 minutes, my name was called.

"Darcy Granger, you will be married to Draco Malfoy within the next 2 years." Hermione announced. She looked over at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry...' as she gave me a worried look.

I saw Draco look at me, a little bit of love in his eyes as he moved closer to me. I couldn't handle this but I had to.

"Darcy Granger. We meet again." He spoke as he reached for my hand. He smiled slightly, clearly hoping a spark would light between him and I, like it had 7 years ago.

I took his hand hesitantly. "Draco Malfoy. We do indeed meet-" I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle having to forcefully marry the boy I once dated before he dumped me in front of every living witch and wizard at The Battle of Hogwarts.

I ran off, leaving Draco to follow me. "Darcy stop! Please!" He begged for my attention as I apparated from the Ministry.

Appearing inside my own fireplace, I sat at my desk, my head in my hands as I cried, with tears leaving my eyes like waterfalls.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now