Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 1

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I sat in my carriage. Hermione had gone off to find Harry and Ron. We were about 2 hours from Hogwarts and I couldn't wait for this year. I wouldn't have to deal with Snape in potions anymore. Opening the carriage window just a little bit, I could feel the nice cool breeze waft through my wavy brown hair as a knock came from the carriage door.

"Darcy Granger. The hotter sister..." Draco Malfoy entered the carriage, his eyes never looking away from mine.

"Draco Malfoy. The bleached blonde Slytherin boy." I was already getting sick of him and I'd barely been in a conversation with him.

"Just like your sister, always with the witty comments." Draco and I haven't had the best relationship. When I first started attending Hogwarts, he would bully me and call me a mud-blood, often comparing me to Hermione. Up until the end of last year, he had no idea that Hermione and I were sisters.

"Draco...do me a favour and leave." I harshly spoke, not really caring if this angered him.

"One day Granger...you'll learn to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut." He abruptly left the carriage. I soon saw Hermione followed by Harry and Ron.

"What was Draco Malfoy doing coming out of this cabin??" Hermione seemed worried.

"Just stirring up trouble like always." I reassured her.

As we arrived at Hogwarts, Hermione and I exited the cabin, Cedric following behind me. Hermione and Cedric were really good friends.

"Do you need any help?" His politeness made me smile.

"I'm all good Cedric." I spoke as we continued the conversation. After finally getting to Hogwarts, Draco kept an eye on me as I talked to Cedric. It's like he didn't notice that I had noticed him staring.

"Um, Earth to stalker!" I punched Draco, snapping him out of his dream.

"What the hell was that for?!" He groaned in annoyance.

"Next time, don't stare at me!" I abruptly left him, walking towards Cedric as he seemed confused.
My first month of school was normal, classes were easy and I was getting closer to Cedric. Since his close call with Voldemort during the Triwizard Tournament 2 years ago, he closed himself off, but I think he was warming up to me.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted as I swished my wand at Cedric, his wand flying out of his hand. We shared 3 classes, one of them being Defence Against The Dark Arts. Unfortunately this class was also one that I shared with Draco.

"Hey Darcy, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe grab a coffee with me this afternoon in Hogsmeade?" Cedric politely asked as I wrote down notes for our spells and techniques.

"Sounds great!" I smiled.

Getting back to our spells, Cedric and I laughed and played around as we safely used our wands.

After what seemed like ages, we were finally on our way to Hogsmeade. Cedric and I sat next to each other in a carriage opposite Ginny and Harry, who had been dating for a year. We all laughed and had fun as we walked around.

Making our way to a cute café, Cedric and I enjoyed our conversation as we sat down. We talked about school and life outside of school.

"Yeah, my dad and I run a car shop using magic outside of school." Cedric kept smiling as he put his hand on mine.

"My sister and I help out at our local church back in the muggle world." I spoke, thinking of how happy Hermione and I were as children.

"How is Hermione by the way?" Cedric cared about his friend,

"She's amazing. She guaranteed that her marks would be all A's this year. And I can say that it won't be difficult for her..." I smiled.

Cedric saw my smile and smiled himself.

"What about you? Do you think your grades will be as good?" Cedric was curious.

"No...I don't think so." I looked away. As we kept talking, Ron entered, interrupting.

"Hermione needs you." He left just as quick as he entered.

"Speaking of my sister. I'm so sorry to cut this amazing date short, but when she needs me, I go." I stood up, Cedric standing up also.

"I don't mind. I enjoyed every moment with you. Thanks for the date, Darcy." He kissed my cheek slightly, sending chills down my spine. Cedric winked at me as I left.

I walked through Hogsmeade as someone dragged me into a darkened alleyway. "DRACO! What the-" I shouted as he covered my mouth.

"What were you doing with Cedric?" He almost seemed jealous.

"I was on a date with him until my sister needed me." I spoke, pissed off.

"Are you dating him or something?" Draco was confused.

"N-No? I don't know. We just went on one date!" I was fed up with Draco interrogating me.

"You've been staring at me and demanding to know what I'm doing all the time! You're not my brother and you're especially not my boyfriend! So stay away from me Malfoy." I demanded, not caring if I was polite.

"I-I can't." He stammered slightly.

"What? Why not?" He didn't respond. But within seconds, my lips were warmed up by Draco's own. My mind screamed for me to push him away, but my heart stopped me. His arms wrapped around my waist as my hands wrapped around his neck. His warmth warmed me up as our lips moved in sync.

After a few more seconds, he moved away from me, smiling slightly at me as he looked around before running off, leaving me alone in a dark alleyway. Hermione would kill me if she ever found out that Draco Malfoy kissed me.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now