Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 17

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After I met Narcissa Malfoy, Draco and I fought a lot. Especially about my family.

"Draco! Your mother basically threatened me!" I spoke as I cleaned my desk. We both had a day off since all the students were on a school trip to Hogsmeade.

"I'm sure you're over reacting." Draco could be so idiotic sometimes.

"No! I'm pretty sure your mother said that she wasn't a very big fan of me!" I slammed my drawer shut as Draco gave me an upset look. He calmed down before speaking again.

"Anyways. Now that you've met my parent/s, when will I get to meet yours?" Draco seemed genuinely happy to meet them. He wasn't going to be happy once he found out why he couldn't meet them.

"I don't know Draco. Maybe you won't." I sighed in anger. I didn't want to have this conversation, but Draco wasn't known to leave things alone.

"What? Why not? You've met my parents! When will I meet yours?!" Draco was really angry.

I was defeated. I sat down at my chair and put my head in my hands.

"Are you ashamed of me?" He went to the last place I thought he would.

"What?" I couldn't believe his accusation.

"Are you ashamed to be dating me if all people, a Malfoy?" Draco repeated his question.

"I-I..." I wasn't able to explain the situation my parents were in.

"You are ashamed of me. I knew it. Just because I'm a Malfoy..." Draco was more angry now.

"No! I'm not ashamed of you!" I spoke up. I was not going to deal with Draco's pettiness.

"Then what is it Darcy?" Draco went back to questioning me.

"My parents don't remember me!" I broke the silence I had created after a few seconds. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"What? What do you mean your parents don't remember you?" Draco became confused.

"Before Hermione left to go searching for the horcruxes 7 years ago, she cast the Obliviate spell on our parents. She erased all memories of us from their minds, to keep them safe. From what Hermione has told me, they now live in Australia with no memory of us or our existence..." I explained the situation with my family as tears escaped my eyes like a waterfall.

"What if there was a way to reverse the effects of the Obliviate spell?" Draco was sounding crazy.

"Draco...if there was a spell to reverse the effects, Hermione would've done it already." I spoke as Draco looked at me concerned.

"I don't think she would've..." Draco was crazy.

"Why wouldn't she? She missed our parents as much as I did. When she left our family home she cried for hours." I admitted to him.

"I don't know why she wouldn't do it, but we always can?" Draco came up with a reasonable answer.

"I need to talk to my sister first." I spoke as I grabbed my wand.

"I'll come with you." He held my hand, giving me a comforting look. He was seriously different to what he was in school. I waved my wand, still not fully being able to apparate by myself.

"Appareo!" I spoke as we were no longer in my classroom, but in Hermione's office.

"Blimey Darcy!" She spoke, scared since we just appeared.

"Seriously, I think Weasley has rubbed off on you too much Hermione." Draco spoke.

"Anyway...to the point. Is there a spell to undo the Obliviate spell?" I didn't beat around the bush.

"Why do you want to know Darcy? Please don't tell me your going to save our parents!" Hermione seemed upset.

"And why shouldn't I?" I was seriously angry at Hermione.

"I forbid you from using the spell on our parents! As the Minister of Magic and your sister, I will not allow you to use the spell!" Hermione looked angry as she stood up.

"Don't you want our parents back Mione?" I asked, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"I do, but there is no way. I can't risk anyone using the reversal spell for Obliviate." Hermione sat back down, defeated.

"Why not?" I asked, confused.

"Many bad witches and wizards had their memories erased before being killed or being sent off to Azkaban. If anyone were to learn the spell, they could use it to restore the memories of those who are bad." Hermione confessed.

"Hermione, our parents aren't bad. They are muggles." I couldn't believe I had to remind her.

"I said no, Darcy." Hermione went back to her work. I held Draco's hand as we apparated back to Hogwarts.

"If Hermione won't tell us, then the Restricted Section will." I spoke as I headed towards the library.

The Restricted Section is an area in the Hogwarts Library, closed off by a rope. Books in this section may be rare, valuable, and/or considered inappropriate for younger students, thus why it is restricted. No student has ever set foot in the Restricted Section, except for Harry and Ron, who snuck in during their first year.

"We shouldn't be doing this Darcy..." Draco stopped me before I got into the library.

"Then you stay behind. I'm not leaving the library without that spell. Besides, we aren't students, we're teachers. We can walk in and no one will question us." I pulled away from his grasp as he decided to follow me. We walked into the library, heading into the Restricted Section.

Draco helped me search for nearly an hour before I saw the book I needed. Reversal Spells. Placing it down on a nearby table, we were lucky that the spells were ordered in alphabetical order. I searched through the R section, finally finding the spell.

"Got it. Rememorial. A spell that reverses the effects of the Obliviate spell. To be used with caution." I shut the book, Draco giving me a concerned look. We put it back in it's rightful place before making our way back to my classroom.

"Summer holidays starts in a week. I'm going to find out where in Australia my parents are before the start of summer holidays." I spoke as I sat down. Draco came over and sat next to me as he kissed me.

"I'll support you the entire way." He spoke, hugging me.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now