Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 9

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Ever since Voldemort attacked the muggle world, everyone, both muggles and wizards have been scrambling to find the right solution. Professor McGonagall put up a barrier around the school, while also sending stone guards to protect the entrance.

Unfortunately, Cedric returned to Hogwarts just before the barrier was put up, and he was more persistent to be with me after he found out who I had been seeing after we had broken up.

"Cedric! Leave me alone. I have nothing more to say to you!" I furiously stormed off before he pulled me in for a kiss. As I pushed him away, a massive booming noise echoed throughout the school grounds, scaring a few hundred students. I grabbed my wand and left Cedric to go and find my friends.

"Darcy!" Hermione spoke as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"H-Have you seen Draco? I haven't been able to find him anywhere!" I panicked.

"No I haven't, but he isn't your concern right now. We have to go find Harry, Ron, Ginny and Professor McGonagall before more of the barrier is broken." Hermione dragged me off. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about Draco.

We ran out to the front of Hogwarts, watching as the barrier slowly began to break, the statues protecting us.

"Go back inside." Professor McGonagall warned us, but we weren't stopping. We lifted our wands, Harry, Ron and Ginny coming out behind us.

"You five go back inside and assist anyone who needs help. We'll be ok out here." Mrs Weasley smiled as she became tougher. We all did what she said, running through the various long corridors of Hogwarts, eventually hearing screaming from the room of requirements.

Heading towards the screaming sound, we saw Draco, Crabbe and Blaise hoisted up on mounts of garbage as they struggled to keep holding on while a flood of fire roamed the room. I noticed 3 broomsticks.

I chucked the 3 broomsticks to Harry, Ron and Hermione, letting them do the flying. As they managed to save Crabbe and Blaise, I noticed that Harry was hesitant on saving Draco.

"HARRY! PLEASE!" I shouted at him, convincing him. Everyone was brought to safety as the room was enveloped by flames. Draco hugged me as Hermione watched in disapproval. 
After a lot of fighting, a battle ensuing as people died and the castle being destroyed like a bulldozer knocking down an old structure. We all stood in front of every Death Eater that had ever existed, including Lucius and Narcissa. As we stood there, Hagrid walked behind Voldemort, Harry in his arms. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Harry Potter, is dead!" Voldemort declared. Everyone looked around in shock.

"Now it's the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us...or die!" Voldemort demanded.

I watched as Narcissa and Lucius walked in front of Voldemort, asking Draco to come with them. He began to walk, a single tear streaming down his cheek. After struggling with Hermione who held me securely, I managed to break free, running out to Draco who had walked halfway. Every witch and wizard, good or bad, was watching me running out to Draco.

I managed to reach him, holding. "Draco. Please...don't." I held his arm, tears nearly falling down my cheek.

"Please. Draco. Don't-Don't join him..." I begged as I hugged him. He hugged me back before pulling away, giving me a kiss.

"I'm sorry Darcy...but I have to. It's my legacy." Draco said before he began to walk.

"No! Don't leave me! What happened? You told Hermione that just because you had The Dark Mark, it didn't make you one of his followers. What happened to that declaration?" I asked, tears now streaming down my face as I held his cheek.

"Things have changed..." Draco released himself from my grip, walking off. It was official. Our relationship was over just like that. No goodbye's or anything. Just him telling me that things had changed.

As I tried to reach Draco again, Voldemort flicked his wand in my direction, sending a wave of pain down my spine as I screamed in pain.

"NO!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as Hermione and Ginny ran out to me, holding me back from trying to reach Draco once again. I watched as the love of my life abandoned me to join Voldemort's side.
The day had ended. Voldemort was dead, the Elder wand having been destroyed by Harry. Hundreds of witches and wizards lost their lives. I sat on the edge of Hogwarts' partly damaged steps, Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting besides me as the sun shone brightly in our faces. The castle was mostly damaged, only some of it was still standing.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now