Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 16

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"I have a question for you. You don't have to if you don't want to." I hesitated.

"What is it?" Darcy seemed intrigued.

"My mother wants to meet you this afternoon. She been concerned about our situation." I spoke as Darcy looked at me hesitantly.

"Give me an hour. I'll decide then." Darcy gave me a kiss on the cheek as she left my office.

An hour passed and I had made a decision although, I didn't know if meeting Draco's parents was a good idea. I mean, Narcissa couldn't as bad as Lucius...could she?

Walking towards Draco's office again, I got the door before I heard a voice that I hadn't heard before.

"Draco, is there anyway I can convince you to dump the girl? If you marry my daughter, you and your mother have a guaranteed reintroduction to society. Your father tarnished the Malfoy name, but by marrying my dear Kendra, you are more likely to redeem your family name. Besides, she's your age Draco. Don't you want to be with someone who isn't younger than you?" A woman spoke as she made her intentions clear.

"I'm sorry Mrs Parkin, but I can't take you up on your offer. Your daughter Kendra is nice, from what I've heard, but my heart belongs to Darcy. She was my first and will be my last love. Besides, the marriage law forbids me from marrying anyone other than who was chosen for me. And just to be clear, Darcy is only a year younger than me." Draco defended me. Moving out of sight, I watched as Mrs Parkin walked away, clearly upset at Draco rejecting her.

I walked inside Draco's office. "Who was that?" I asked.

"That was Kira Parkin. Her daughter Kendra was the other candidate to be considered for Minister of Magic, but since her father, like mine, was affiliated with Voldemort, her campaign was shut down and Hermione was given the job. Her mother was trying to convince me to marry Kendra, but I couldn't take the offer." Draco spoke as I sat on the edge of his desk, my robe touching Draco's knee.

"Why? Because of the marriage law?" She knew that wasn't the only reason.

"Also because my heart belongs to someone else." He kissed me gently.

"Anyways. Have you made your decision?" Draco brought up the subject of his mother.

"Although I was hesitant at first for obvious reasons, I think it's a good idea. Maybe one day she can be part of her grandchild/s life." I smirked, earning a surprised look from Draco.

"So...you want kids? Well...that's a conversation for another day." He looked away as if to say he didn't want kids.

"I have 2 more classes to teach before we go and chat with your mother." I quickly pecked his lips before narrowly leaving his classroom.
Draco and I walked towards the Malfoy Manor, my heart racing as I thought of every possible situation in which Narcissa would kick me out and forbid me to marry Draco.

"Just wait here. I'll go and make sure she isn't torturing anyone..." Draco looked serious for a split second.

"I'm kidding!" He smiled before kissing my cheek.

He walked inside, my eyes taking in the sheer size of the Manor which could feasibly be half the size of Hogwarts.

The door opened to reveal Draco standing next to his mother. Draco's hand intertwined with mine as he guided me inside.

"It's so nice to finally meet my son's lucky lady." Narcissa spoke as she smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Malfoy." I smiled back. The house looked bigger on the inside.

"Oh please, call me Narcissa." She spoke as we sat down in the living room which was as big or maybe even bigger than the Gryffindor common room.

"So...Narcissa, Draco has told me that you are a little concerned about our situation, which I understand." I spoke as Draco scooted closer to me, his hand resting on my leg.

Draco seemed nervous. After what seemed like a while, Narcissa stood up.

"How about I show you around the Manor while Draco fetches us some beverages?" Narcissa began to usher Draco out of the room before she allowed me to stand up, her friendly nature slowly fading away.

We walked around the Manor, seeing most of the rooms. The last room we stopped at was Draco's.

"I understand that when you found out that you had marry Draco, you were hesitant." Narcissa spoke.

"Yes. I was unsure about marrying my ex-boyfriend..." I clarified.

"Well...I think you should know that I'm not a very big fan of you. Draco should've been with someone from his own house, but I won't argue with him. I have big plans for your future and I'm not going to let you ruin-" Narcissa looked at me with cold eyes.

"-Draco would send us letters about you and I was so happy that he finally found someone he loved!" Narcissa changed her attitude as soon as Draco opened the door.

"I'm so sorry to cut this short, but Professor McGonagall asked me to help her with some things back at Hogwarts." I left the room, tears beginning to form in my eyes. Draco soon caught up to me, confused as to why I left so abruptly.

"Darcy...is there really something you have to help Professor McGonagall with?" Draco could see right through me.

"I have to go." I left the Manor, swiftly making my way back to Hogwarts. As I entered my classroom, I locked the door.

Maybe Narcissa was as bad as I thought.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now