Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 13

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Watching as Ron left the office, I sat down opposite Draco, smiling slightly.

"Why have you requested to talk to me Ms Granger?" Draco tried to act formal, but it wouldn't last long.

"I want to talk. About us." I spoke, his formal posture quickly fading as he smiled.

"Have you thought about the marriage idea?" He asked, seeming eager.

"No, but I have another idea courtesy of my sister. We talked and she wants me to begin new, create a clean slate." I spoke, looking down slightly.

"Create a clean slate? What does that mean?" Sometimes Draco could be really stupid.

"We can start over. We can start off as friends and so on and so forth. I mean, we kinda rushed into a relationship back at Hogwarts." I spoke, hoping he would be ok with my suggestion.

"That sounds nice." He stood up, walking around to me.

"Hi, my name is Draco Malfoy. I'm an ex-Slytherin." He put his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi, I'm Darcy Granger. I'm an ex-Gryffindor." I shook his hand as he smiled.

"Would you like to grab some coffee with me at Hogsmeade?" He asked, acting more and more like a gentleman and nothing like the Draco Malfoy I once knew and fell in love with.

"I would love to Draco." I spoke, smiling as he grabbed his coat. We left shortly after, making our way to Hogsmeade.
"And that's how my parents met." I spoke, finishing a very long story. Draco seemed interested, like he had never met anyone like me.

"My parents are people you don't want to mess around with. My father is an ex-Death Eater and my mother's sister or my aunt, is Bellatrix Lestrange. Delphi is my cousin and Delphi's father is Lord Voldemort." Draco revealed some of his family history.

"When people get to know me...as a muggle, they begin to doubt me. They even once doubted my sister." I was letting my emotions take over.

"I knew this boy, in Slytherin. He would pick on me, make fun of me and doubt me because of my family history. It wasn't until he knew who my sister was that he really understood my need to be different." I couldn't believe that I was revealing my past and my internal thoughts to Draco.

"I'm sorry that people treat you a certain way because of your sister." Draco apologised.

"When your sister was known as 'the brightest witch of her age' it's kind of hard to separate from her, since people automatically assume that I'm like my sister." My mind kept flashing back to when people would compare me to Hermione as children.

"I was an only child, but it didn't help my childhood. My father was harsh on me, basically disowning me if I did one single thing wrong." Draco's life was just a bad as mine.

"Well...when you have the Dark Lord looking over your shoulder, you don't hesitate to keep your kids in order..." Draco smiled a little bit.

"I know we are supposed to be creating a clean slate, but that day, when you left me in the courtyard, did you really want to? Did you really want to leave me?" I asked, dwelling in the past.

"To keep myself alive, I had to. I didn't want to, but he would've killed me if I didn't." It was nice to hear the truth after 7 years.

"May I say, this coffee date is going quite well." I tried my best to be fancy.

"I think it's good that we're starting again." Draco smiled as he sipped his coffee.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm needed back at the castle." I spoke, standing up at Draco smiled.

"Of course. Those students are very lucky to have you as their Deputy Headmistress." Draco gave me a small hug before we parted ways.
Getting back to the castle, I walked by a group of students who were not in class. I recognised 2 of them, both Slytherins, both related to people that were in Slytherin 7 years ago.

"Sirena Zambini and Merula Snyde. Why are you five out of class?" I asked as they all turned their attention to me.

"Sorry Professor Granger. Merula and Sirena were showing us some forbidden spells." A Hufflepuff girl spoke.

"30 points from Slytherin, 10 points from Hufflepuff, 10 points from Ravenclaw and 10 points from Gryffindor. Get to class." I spoke as each student walked off. Sirena and Merula stayed back.

"Why did we get 30 points off Slytherin? They each got 10!" Merula argued.

"It's simple. Two Slytherins, 10 points each and 10 points for even knowing any forbidden spells. You can do the math." I walked away.

"Professor Slughorn will hear about this!" Sirena spoke, angry.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now