Her enemy, my enemy- Chapter 3

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This week had been a dream, mainly because after our second date, Cedric asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. Surprisingly, Draco kept away from me, often staring at me though.

Walking through the halls of Hogwarts, Cedric and I had become the talk of the school. Cedric seemed to be proud of me being his girlfriend.

"I've got to go. I have class in a few minutes." I spoke as I turned to face him.

"Ok. Just let me know if Draco gives you any trouble..." Cedric kissed me. I loved how protective Cedric was. Turning back as I walked off, I saw Hermione, Harry and Ron meet up with him as they walked to class.

Opening the door to Charms class, I spot Draco, but he wasn't normal. His hair was slightly messed up and his shirt was untucked. His eyes focused on what was in front of him, barely noticing that I had entered the class.

After class ended, I waited back, hoping to see if Draco was ignoring me or genuinely unwell.

"Look, Malfoy, I know that you want to forget about the kiss..." I barely got to finish my sentence before Draco stood up, his attention now directed to me.

"My dad is in Azkaban now." He said before leaving abruptly. If his father was in jail now, that means that Voldemort has acquired a new servant.

Walking to The Great Hall, my mind was covering all possible people.

"Darcy..." Cedric took me out of my thoughts as he held my hand.

"Draco's father is in Azkaban. Someone else is Voldemort's servant" I said, not really concerning Cedric.

"Don't worry about it Darcy. Whoever has been appointed his servant is far away..." Cedric smiled. I guess he had a point.

Leaving Hogwarts in secret was easy. Snape helped me escape. Voldemort had called for Snape and I to the Malfoy Manor. Snape and I apparated to the manor, being greeted my mother as we walked into the dining room. I saw Bellatrix standing next to Voldemort.

"Ah, Draco and Severus. My two favourite Death Eaters." Voldemort welcomed us to the table.

"After you father's recent trip to Azkaban, I have had to re-assess my plans. Narcissa, bring Draco to Lucius' study." I had become worried.

"You, Draco Malfoy, will kill Albus Dumbledore or else you will die. Do you accept this mission?" Voldemort knew what my answer should have been.

"Yes." I spoke only loud enough for Voldemort to hear. Apparating out of the study and back to Hogwarts, I looked at the mark that had now appeared on my left arm, The Dark Mark now branded into my skin.

I was rightfully scared for Draco. Lucius was now in Azkaban because he failed to obtain the prophesy. I understood what Voldemort's plan was; Dumbledore kills Draco instead of Draco killing him. Draco's death would break Lucius, seeing as Draco was our only son and the only heir to the Malfoy name. Draco's death would also be Lucius' punishment for failing. Voldemort left the study, leaving me, Severus and Bellatrix.

"Sissy, you can't do this! He can't be trusted." Bellatrix tried to convince me.

"The Dark Lord trusts him." I responded.

"The Dark Lord is mistaken." Bellatrix became angry.

"I-I know I ought not to be here. The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this."

"If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you would not to speak- put it down, Bella, we mustn't touch what isn't ours. As it, so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa." Severus' tone stayed the same, never once changing.

"You? The Dark Lord told you?" Bellatrix seemed confused.

"Your sister doubts me. Understandable, over the years, I've played my part well. So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time. Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it." Severus explained.

"I don't doubt you, Severus." My voice became more stern.

"You should be honored, Sissy. As should Draco." Bellatrix circled me.

"But he's just a boy." I argued.

"I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco." Severus almost seemed hopeful.

"Swear to it. Make the Unbreakable Vow. It's just empty words. You'll give it his best effort...when it matters most. He'll just slither back to his hole. Coward." Bellatrix slightly laughed, obviously doubting Severus.

"Take out your wand." Severus ordered.

"Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?" Bellatrix spoke as I held Severus' arm.

"I will." He spoke.

"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?" A golden light began to emerge from Bellatrix' wand.

"I will." He seemed almost certain.

"And if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?" Bellatrix wondered if Severus would really agree.

"I will" Severus spoke before the golden light disappeared, securing the spell.

Her enemy, my enemy//Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now