I was amazed by my endurance.

I got out of the forest after walking for a while and finally reached to the exit somehow. I turned back to look at it.

The main thing for which I came here today, I couldn't do it. I wasn't able to convince Jungkook to join the group. I think I have to let go of the group idea and ask the Old Man to find another solution.

But how I wish, the group is officially formed.



I opened my eyes as I woke up from my sleep but stayed in the bed thinking about yesterday.

By the time I reached the dorm, it was already late. And Jennie was asleep by that time. So, I just plopped onto my bed without making any sound and as I was tired, I slept instantly.

But the only sad thing is that I couldn't convince him.

I sighed as I got out of the bed and left to do my morning routine ignoring Jennie's morning wishes.

I took my quality time to wash up and got out as soon as I was done.

"Y/n, what happened? You seem to be out of energy today." Jennie noticed my mood. "Nothing, I am fine." I tried to assure her. She didn't speak any further.

We went to the Entrance of Earth as usual.

Everyone was there except my group members. I sighed knowing that this is casual. And as I was looking around, I spotted Miya, Lena and Senny. As usual, boys were staring and admiring them.

Miya noticed me and gave me a warm smile almost fluttering my heart. I returned her warm smile too.

Suddenly, the atmosphere flipped into a loud one. Everyone was screaming and fangirling. I turned around to see some familiar men walking towards us.

Jimin, Taehyung, J-hope, Jin, Namjoon. Never knew they would really come when I asked them to join the group. The sight of them made a smile appear on my face.

But I didn't expect that things would turn out to be a fierce when all those 5 men came and stood beside me, making all the girls jealous and angry on me. I looked at my surroundings just to find the girls glaring at me with those killer eyes.

They look like they are gonna kill me at any moment.

I slowly turned to look at these guys beside me who were just smiling at me. Such angelic people but I am not in a situation to admire them with killer people surrounding me. I guess these girls are jealous of me for being close with these guys. But it's not my fault, I unintentionally met them and end up in a group with them.

Old Man made his way towards me, "So, did you bring people to join the group?" I nodded as a reply and pointed out the guys beside me. "They are willing to join." I spoke as I looked at them. Old Man looked quite satisfied.

"You did bring the most powerful people in Helven together. Great job but..." I heard him continue. "Looks like you are missing a member. A group should have atleast 7 people." I looked down as he finished.

"So, you failed to bring another person." Old Man understood by my silence.

"As the group hasn't been able to exceed the minimum number of members, the group can't be for-" A voice interrupted Old Man's words. "How long are you going to make me wait?" I turned to look at Jungkook who was standing there with no interest as usual.

"What?" I asked him due to my confused state.

"Aren't we going on a mission?" Jungkook spoke as he raised his eyebrow. Jungkook, does he mean that he wants to join the group?

I smiled and looked at the Old Man with an excited face.

"Great, I approve the group since it abides by all the rules." My smile grew wider after hearing his words. I seriously thought that I wouldn't be able to form a group with these guys.

Everyone here was silent, they were practically shocked which I don't seem to know the reason why.

"You really brought some unexpected changes, little girl." I heard Old Man whisper to me.

Unexpected changes?

"I will assign the mission to you all after I am done with the others." Old Man spoke as he made his way to the others.

Everyone was expressionless except the top 10 members. I slowly turned to Jennie who was silent all this while which is definitely unusual. As soon as I turned to her, I saw her expressionless face which creeped me out a bit.

"J-Jennie, what happened?" I tried to ask her. "You convinced Jungkook? Really? But how?" She seemed to be in a dilemma. "Well, I don't really know how he agreed to my request." I convinced her that even I am in the same confused state as her.

None of them was here as they got their missions and left.

I slowly walked towards Jungkook with questions in my head.

"Jungkook..." My voice made him turn towards me. He raised his eyebrow indirectly asking me why I called him.

"Thank you...for joining the group." I spoke softly without looking at him. He chuckled at my words and came closer intending to say something.

"Of course, I joined cuz I won't find a better puppet who can obey me." I blinked my eyes at his words which clearly offended me.


As I was about to speak, someone interrupted me. I looked at the person who came towards us.


"Jungkook..." Miya called his name making him look at her. "Been a while, Jungkook." She spoke as she smiled at him.

"Yeah, I guess." Jungkook replied. He knows her? Wait, I never saw Jungkook talk to anyone before even though many girls approached him, but he replied to Miya?

"Jungkook, it's a wonder that you are willing to go to missions with people. I never saw you doing that." Miya spoke as she wondered about the fact that Jungkook is joining the group.

Jungkook looked at me as soon as she's done speaking. "Yeah, I joined the group for some reasons." Jungkook uttered as he smirked at me.

Yeah...yeah, he has to make me a puppet right, of course.

"Y/n..." I heard Jimin call me.

Thank you, Jimin. You are my absolute saviour in between of this awkward situation.

"Um, excuse me. I gotta go, I guess." I tried to slip from that site. "It's okay." Miya spoke as she smiled at me. She is a real angel. Jungkook was glaring at me for the reason which I don't know.

I went up to Jimin as he called me.

"I am here." He nodded as he smiled at me. A normal male can never be this cute when he smiles but why is this man like this? Does this person know that he's making my heart flutter?

Interrupting this beautiful moment, Old Man called us and made us assemble infront of him.

"After a long discussion with the Innkeeper of Heaven, we finally decided the mission to give you all." I continued to listen to what they are gonna say now. "Since your group is just formed, we ain't gonna give you a very different mission at first. But since it's a group, the mission is gonna difficult compared to the missions given to the others here." Innkeeper of Heaven spoke out his words and Old Man continued.

"Your mission is to...kill a person and bring him to Helven as he has the capability to turn into an Angel or a Demon just like Y/n." Old Man gave out the mission.

Kill a person and bring to Helven just because he has the capability to turn into an Angel or a Demon? Isn't that cruel? My fists clenched but I stayed calm to listen what he was gonna say further.

"His name is Min Yoongi." He finished.


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