Chapter 25 | Nostalgia

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                                                    ~time skip~

It's officially been a week since Eren told me we should avoid each other and we have. only time I have seen him was in the hallways. but we never made eye contact. Every day has been the same. go to work, come back home, niccole making dinner. and handing me a plate of food before going into my room. He made something new every night so that was really the only thing that changed. I've been avoiding Jean just as well Eren. I'm not sure what it just doesn't feel right. I just want something to change.

Getting a call on my phone, it was Erwin. "I can't talk to him right now I'll call him in the morning" putting my phone down, I lay in bed and start to fall asleep.

The sound of my alarm clock waking me up. I open my eyes and get ready to start the same day over again. I put on my uniform and grab my bag and tell Sasha, I'll see her at work.

Walking out the door, jean walks out his the same time as me. "y/n hey haven't seen you in a minute"

Yeah sorry, I've been busy I haven't had time to stop by and talk. I felt bad for lying jean but it was better than telling him I'm avoiding him.

I understand, I actually been meaning to talk to you, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to- "y/n" someone said as it interrupted jean. 

Both of us Turning our heads to see Levi walking down the hall.

Levi? I mean boss, what are you doing here, don't tell me you're doing another house inspection. It hasn't even been a year yet.

No, there will be no work today and if you don't mind I'd like to talk to you inside. 

Seeing Levi's face he seemed serious. I mean he's always serious, but his face had a bit of worry on it.  it started to make me worry. he even called me by my first name, he never does that. "What's going on"

"It's betterer if I tell you inside".

You could tell me here. it's just jean I don't mind him hearing whatever it is. Why is there no work today?

Erwin has been in an accident at work. he's fine but he's in bad condition and they had his arm amputated. 

Hearing that made my heart sink to my stomach. I was lost for words. Tears started falling down my face. from the thought that I didn't answer his call.

I feel jean wrap his arms around me and place my head into his chest he was trying to comfort me. I couldn't help but blame myself for wanting something to change. It felt like the whole universe was just against me. and that it was my fault.

The plane leaves at 2 pm so I'll be here to pick you up.

What? What plane.

I got us a plane to go see Erwin. So pack a bag we might stay there for a bit.

What about midnights? I ask 

it will be closed until I return.  Don't worry l/n Erwin will be fine. I'll be here at 1 pm to pick you up. Levi walks away. and still being in jeans arms I tell him "whatever you had to say has to continue for another time okay?"

"Okay", jean say's with a smile.  

Telling jean, I'll see him later I walk back into my apartment and explain to Sasha what's happening and how she doesn't have work. she hugs me and tells me everything is gonna be okay and that she'll miss me. I start packing my bag, looking through my clothes I see Eren's jacket. "How did I forget to give this back", I'll just have to wait until I come back to give it to him. I put the jacket in my suitcase. 

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