Chapter 22 | Frozen carrots

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Entering jeans apartment, I go straight to lay down on his couch "ugh jean I'm so tired"

You're more than welcome to sleep on my couch.

No not like that, like exhausted of the same days over and over, is it ever gonna change? I ask jean.

Not unless you change it, he replies.

But I don't wanna change it, at least I never thought I did.

So what made you? jean asks.

Eren, he did.

y/n, why do you care about his opinion so much.

I don't, he's just right, I'm just someone who works in a coffee shop.

y/n, your much more than that, your- nevermind, jean say's

I'm what? I ask. 

You're certainly not just someone who works in a coffee shop, that's all.

That was weird, was jean gonna say something else? I thought to myself as the room went quiet.

How'd you get locked out of your apartment? Jean breaks the silence.

Oh yeah, I gave niccole the key to copy it for Sasha and I never got it back, and there still out so once I hear them back, I can get going.

Sasha moved in today?

Yeah, tomorrow will be the first day of roomies.

Well, see that's a change y/n. 

Yeah but it's not a change to make Eren see me as something other than a coffee girl.

You know y/n, if your gonna change do it for yourself, not for other people, especially for Eren if he can't see you the way I- I mean everyone does then it's his loss.

"Thank you jean".

I know it doesn't matter, but In my opinion, I don't think you should change at all because you're perfect.

Before I would start blushing I needed to change the conversations. "Um at the party Connie told me that you said Eren was lying to me, what was that about?"

I don't think I remember, jean said with a shocked look on his face.

Connie, said you seemed pretty upset about it so why would you forget?

I'm gonna make a quick stop in the kitchen to get another frozen bag for my eye would you like anything?

Why are you ignoring the question? I ask jean.

Water? No problem. Jean says walking to go into the kitchen.

"Jean!" Quickly getting up to go follow him in the kitchen I see him leaning his back against the fridge holding a bag of frozen carrots to his eye.

"Do you not own an ice pack?" I say, leaving jean to smirk.

"Let me see it" moving closer to jean I remove the frozen carrots from his eye. "Oh my"

Yeah, he got me pretty good, jean says. 

I think you need more than frozen carrots, you don't have a first aid kit don't you.

y/n I don't even own silverware, jean says. 

I would go get mine but you know being locked out and all, Sorry.

Looking away from jean's eye, I didn't know how close our faces are, I felt his exhales slowly blow in my face his breath smelled like cinnamon, like those cinnamon kinds of toothpaste I caught myself slowly trying to bring our faces closer, I'm guessing he doesn't mind since he's not pulling away either. At this point Our lips we're inches away from each other.

"Are you sure, jean whispers" 

Nodding my head yes.

 I pull closer making our lips touch, I can feel the coldness from the bag of carrots touching my forehead, it made me smile for some reason just the thought of kissing someone with frozen carrots against my head. I can taste the cinnamon. this kiss was different from Eren's. enjoying the kiss, we stop from hearing a knock at jeans door it makes us pull away," god what does this always happen", I thought to myself. "Guess we have to finish this another time," Jean says looking down at me "yeah I guess we do," I say smiling, hearing the knock again jean makes his way to go answer it 

"Jean! Have you seen y/n?" I hear coming from the door I look over to see Sasha, with our eyes meeting she jumps with joy "y/n I was so worried about you I didn't know if you made it inside with me having the key and all"

It's okay luckily jean was home, I say making my way out of jean's apartment door standing next to Sasha.

Well, here's your key back I already have a copy, again I'm so sorry.

It's okay let's just go home now, and forget this night. I'll see you inside, I'm gonna say bye to jean first.

Alright! See you, goodnight jean.

Goodnight, Sasha. Jean said to Sasha as she walked inside our apartment.

Forget this night huh? Jean says looking at me.

Well, not all of it, anyway thank you for letting me stay and talking to me, I'll see you in the morning.

"Goodnight, y/n".

"Goodnight, jean".


this chapter was a bit short I'm sorry, there will be a lot more next chapter and I just wanna say to everyone reading this that I love you, and I hope you all are doing okay if you do ever need someone to talk to I'm here anytime, I think this is one of my favorite chapters I wrote so far to me it just had a lot of meaning to it, anyway stay tuned for next chapter ❤️

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