Chapter 2 | The next morning

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Oh, shit did I oversleep lucid why didn't you wake me up!!

I grab my phone to check the time to see it is 7 am.

I'm an hour late Levi is gonna kill me I say to myself as I put my head into the palm of my hands.

I convince myself to take a fast shower since I'm already late. If I was to go in smelling like this Levi will definitely put me on janitor duty. I quickly rush in and out of the shower.

I started getting my uniform that was just black jeans and a dark blue long sleeve. My apron is at midnights so I don't have to worry about that. I put on my shoes and told my cat goodbye before leaving. my phone buzzed it's my co-worker.

"WHERE R U?? Levi is pissed".

Oh no, I say to myself after reading the text I quickly rush out my door and lock it as I'm doing so I'm trying to tie my hair into a ponytail as fast as I can. I heard the door open behind me. It was jean.

y/n? you're not at work yet, that's surprising.

I overslept, sorry to cut the convo short but I gotta go before Levi fires me.

alright, see you. Jean says waving me bye.

running down the hall I smell that vanilla mint smell again. then suddenly there he was. I was in a rush so I really couldn't stop and stare.

I mean not that I wanted to. I ran past him making my way to the elevator. damn whatever he has on is such a strong scent it completely took over the smell of the elevator. what am I even saying I shake my head. 

I'm thinking of a complete stranger's scent, when I should be thinking of a good lie to tell Levi as in why am I late.

Maybe I should tell him that my cat is sick and I was at the vet all night? or I got locked outta my apartment so I had to stay at a far hotel. no, he won't believe anyone of that.

leaving the elevator I started running out of the building to get to work. damn, I really need a car I was thinking to myself.

 I finally turned to my block and quickly rushed in and went to clock in.

not seeing Levi anywhere in sight I sigh with relief of not having to get yelled at before I clock in.

l/n!! I hear in the back of me. ah shit spoke too soon. I slowly turned around with a smile. hello, boss looking good did you get a haircut.

cut the crap l/n explain why you were late.

here's the thing- he cut me off before I can get an excuse in.

"let me guess you overslept and didn't hear your alarm or your cats sick".

um, my cat?

The stare Levi gave me was horrifying if looks could kill. I'd be dead.

I'll get the mop I said walking away.

a few hours go by and my co-worker Sasha goes on her break. That's when Levi tells me to take her place up at the front. I happily took her place instead of moping for what felt like the 100th time because Levi kept telling me I was doing it wrong.

anyway, today was pretty slow so I was just laying my head on my arm waiting for the next customer. thinking of how I'm gonna make enough money to pay rent this month I didn't wanna break money out of my savings to go see uncle Erwin ether tho it was starting to look like I have to. I mean I can always ask Levi for a raise? Who am I kidding with the way I've been doing things around here lately? I'm surprised I'm still here.

Wait what is that am i- smelling vanilla mint again.

wow, this scent must really be that strong to stick with me. Suddenly in the corner of my eye, I see him. Eren was his name, wasn't it? 

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