Chapter 3 | Welcome to Midnights

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"Eren makes his way and walks up to the counter"

Hi welcome to midnights, what can I get started for you?

"Just a plain black coffee".

well, that will be 60 cents and it will be right out for you.

"Thanks," he replies. His eyes were glued to his phone ever since he walked in.

I take the money and say

ain't you jeans friend?

He then looks up at me taking his eyes off his phone

oh yeah I know you I almost didn't recognize you without being drenched in rainwater or running full speed past me.

yeah sorry about that I was late for work and I didn't wanna make my boss more mad.

"l/n"' Levi shouts.

speaking of the devil.

yes, boss.

I need to do a couple of things. I'll be back do me a favor and keep this place in one piece. Sasha should be back from her break any minute.

you got it. I replied back.

So is this to go? I asked Eren.

no, I'm actually meeting someone here.

oh, cool well if you need anything just ask.

thanks, I will uh y/n? Am I right.

Correct, I smile at Eren as he turns his back to go seat in the back waiting for his company.

I wonder who can it be

my phone buzzes it being Sasha, my co-worker.


Srry I caught a late lunch waiting for Connie plz cover me from Levi );



I will don't worry xx


Ahh that's why you're the best <3 (:


I shake my head smiling. A couple more customers come in regulars to be exact. none of who Eren was waiting for.                                                                  

                                                                      ~Fast Forward~

"Hey!! Sorry again" Sasha runs in.

don't be it isn't rush hour yet. I reply

Sasha giggles. whos that Sasha whispers as she was talking about Eren.

his name is Eren he's Jean's friend and he's waiting for someone that's all I know other than that he's a mystery.

Interesting Sasha says he's kinda cute.

You should see his eyes and he has this vanilla and mint kinda scent. I say as I turned to look at Sasha's face as she was confused.

I shake my head snapping out of whatever that was.

Anyway, how was your lunch with Connie?

Good thanks for asking.

Sasha starts rambling on about the food she ate and how good it was then all of a sudden I hear the bell ring from the door when someone walks in.

Someone I had never seen before. She had short jet-black hair and a red scarf around her neck. Eren stood up to greet her. I guess that's who Eren was waiting for.

you should come next time, Sasha says.

huh? I look at her.

to niccolo's restaurant. With me, Connie and Jean.

oh yeah, I'll think about it.

hmm, that's weird I guess I was distracted by who came I heard nothing Sasha said to me.

                                                                               ~Fast Forward~

more hours go by Eren has left with that girl a couple of minutes after she came. Sasha got off work an hour ago and I was gonna start to close up until Levi told me to go home. He can finish up, and to make sure to be here early tomorrow to open

I say my goodbyes after I finish clocking out.

As I'm walking back to my apartment so many thoughts come rushing through my head how am I gonna pay rent this month? Should I really break out of my savings? Or should I just give in and tell uncle Erwin I'm struggling. no, I can't do that he's done too much for me I need to do this on my own I mean isn't this why I left in the first place I couldn't keep depending on Erwin my whole life.

ah how I miss uncle Erwin I don't know where I would be without him after my parents died he was the only one that took me in my own grandfather wouldn't. despite him not being my real uncle and was just a really close friend to my parents. I took him as I would take a blood relative. I think I even took him more as a father.

I reached my apartment complex and headed my way to my door. I opened my door but before stepping in I looked inside. It's dark but a shine of light from the moon is shining through my curtains, I sigh, I'm so alone.

My cat greets me walking inside. I turn the lights on and head to my kitchen as I open my fridge. All I see is a half bottle of orange juice, expired milk, and a bag of shredded cheese.

I guess I forgot to go food shopping again. I said to myself.

I turn my head over to see my cat staring at me. I almost forgot your dinner thanks for reminding me.

I finished giving my cat their dinner. It's regular cat food in a can. During that, I grabbed myself a half-eaten box of lucky charms and sat on my couch. I scroll through my phone switching back to different apps, I let out another sigh and put my phone down, rubbing my eyes. I say to myself what am I gonna do.

I looked over to see my phone and checked what time it was, it was 2:01

Do you think Erwin is up?

I say to myself. fuck it, I'm just gonna call him,

hearing the phone ring, I start to regret it.

Should I just hang up now?

I should just hang up. If he calls back I can say it was by mistake. Yeah I'm just gonna hang up, before doing so

I hear a "hello?" coming through my phone, oh shit I have no choice now.

Midnight's memories | Eren x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora