Chapter 18 | Eren's pov

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After jean and I left the dinner we headed to hang out with floch and Reiner we stood with them for a couple of hours until me and jean decided to leave and go meet with our plug. me and jean hot box in his truck.

Why do you think I'm using y/n,  jean asks. 

I don't know, I say Shrugging my shoulders taking another hit passing it to jean.

No really tell me.

One day you're trying to get with Mikasa the seconds she turns you down, you try using coffee girl as a rebound.

She has a name you know, and it's not like that yes I was in love with Mikasa but she loves someone else, y/n isn't a rebound all I did was do her a favor.

Yeah and slept at her house. I say taking the blunt away from jean.

Whatever, Eren.

Wanna hit up a gas station? I say trying to change the conversation.

Hell yeah, jean says.

After we got to the gas station and got a bunch of snacks from our munchies our high was starting to come down and it was around 1 am so jean drives us both to our apartments.

Walking in I admittedly see Armin.

Are you ever gonna come home at a normal time?

Yeah yeah, Wheres your bitch at wasn't she supposed to come. I say going in the kitchen grabbing leftover spaghetti out of the microwave.

Don't call her! that, and her plane got canceled.

That sucks, so does this spaghetti.

Eren! It's my mom's recipe and at least y/n liked it Armin said grabbing the bowl of spaghetti from me.

Wait y/n why was she here. 

I invited her over for dinner since Annie couldn't make it and we got to know each other she's pretty interesting.

What's so interesting about her she works in a coffee shop.

There's more to her than that Eren, and please go shower you smell like illegal drugs.

"iLlEgAl dRuGs" sheesh what are you a middle-aged mom.

Armin then flips me off, leaving us both to laugh.

Seriously go shower that smell gives me a headache.

Going to the shower I leave the water run until the bathroom starts to steam up taking my hair out of this half-up bun I always have I start brushing my hair before entering the shower. What's with that y/n, why is she constantly being talked about it's annoying she isn't that interesting.

Spending about 30 minutes in the shower I get out wearing just black joggers. I put my hair back into my half-up bun I grab a water bottle from the fridge and make my way into my room laying in the complete darkness, I can really go for a blunt right now. looking in my jacket that was on my chair Armin doesn't like the smell so I'll just go on the balcony going outside I instantly feel the cold breeze, it felt good, lighting up the blunt I take deep inhales feeling the high start to come up everything feels good the air, the water dripping off me nothing can ruin this moment,

Suddenly I snap out of my moment from a sliding door bring open I look to my side to see y/n coving her face with her hands and her elbows on the balcony ledge.

Great coffee girl, can't escape her. Mine as well start a conversation.

What's up with you.

At this point, she's just staring at me not sure why she's so lost.

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