Chapter 15 | Cherry Flavoured

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Waking up in cold sweats and chapped lips along with a headache. I get outta bed making my way to my bathroom to get an Excedrin and my cherry lip balm, after applying the lip balm I make my way to the kitchen to get some water to take my Excedrin. At this point, I'm chugging the water down from being thirsty my eyes look over to the clock on my stove checking the time to be 3 am.

What! Did I take a nap for 7 hours? I rush into my bedroom getting my phone off my nightstand seeing 3 miss phone calls from Erwin and random food photo from Sasha.

Dailing Erwin's number I lay on my bed with my arm covering my eyes thinking of how worried Erwin probably is from not answering.

This is Erwin smith if your hearing this it means I didn't answer and I might be busy but you can leave a message regarding what it is and why you wanted to call me and I will get back to you. "Is that it hange did I do it right"

It went to voice mail great. I say after hearing his voicemail message.

Still having a headache, I decided to go outside for some fresh air I make my way to my balcony and place my head into the palm of my hands with my elbows on the ledge of the balcony. Taking a deep breath through my nose there's this really strong scent of weed in the air.

Then out of nowhere, I hear.

What's up with you. 

Turing my head over to the left, I see Eren with a blunt in between his fingers wearing black joggers with no shirt. his hair was like it always was but there was drops of water coming off his hair like he just came outta the shower the water droplets would go down his chest and to his abs, the moonlight perfectly highlighted his abs.

Eren? I say.

Coffee girl? He replies.

What are you doing here? 

Um, I live here and Armin doesn't like when I smoke in the apartment? 

Wait you live with Armin. 

Yeah? It was pretty obvious. I guess not to you tho and you didn't answer my question.

What question? I say confused. 

Were you that distracted by my body you didn't hear my question, I asked what's up with you as in why your out here. 

I quickly turn my head from Eren hiding my blushing that he noticed I was looking at his body.

Oh, I just have a headache and wanted fresh air.

Drink some coffee then, Eren says. 

what? why. 

Eren lets out a small laugh.

What's so funny? I say.

Well your a barista and coffee helps with headaches, so it's funny you don't know that.

What's even funnier is I don't own a coffee maker.

Wait really? Eren says laughing.

Yeah, I think the only time I drink coffee is at midngh- oh my god. 

What? Eren says to me in a concerned way.

I didn't lock up midnights before I left.

So you can do it tomorrow, pretty sure no one is gonna rob a coffee shop at 3 am.

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