
He rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to explain it to you. In vampire years, I'm twenty times your age. That's all you need to know."

I glared at him. "You're too old for me."

He rolled his eyes again. "In the vampire world, only physical age matters whenever it comes to relationships. You are physically eighteen, and I am physically twenty six. So where is the problem?"

I frowned at him. "It isn't normal for an eighteen year old to be with a twenty six year old in the human world either." I pointed out.

"It isn't normal for a man to love another man either in the human world, but I still love you." He retorted.

I opened my mouth to snap back at him, but I paused whenever I realized what he just said. "Huh?"

"You heard me." He grumbled.

I blushed, looking away from him and instead looking down at my water--only to realize that I was totally naked while we were having this conversation. I gasped and covered my body, grabbing the curtain to pull it, but Yoongi grabbed it faster and held it open.

"What are you doing?"

"I-I'm naked..." I mumbled with a little blush.

He rolled his eyes. "Like I haven't seen you naked before."


"Jimin, you look beautiful. You don't have to be self conscious about your body." He said, leaning over the tub and kissing my forehead. "You're perfect just the way you are."

I blushed, obediently letting go of the curtain for him and letting him push it back. I instead grabbed some bubble bath soap and began to mix it into the water, splashing it around to create some bubbles.

"Leaving more to the imagination, I see." He said with a little smirk as he observed me splashing. "That's fine. I have a good imagination."

I hissed at him, before I laid back in the tub and grumbled, "I'm still mad at you."

"I'm sure you are."

I glared at him, but relaxed back into the water. "Go away. I want to be alone right now." I grumbled, making him frown.

"Why? Don't you want to talk about this?"

"No. I don't." I hissed. "I want to be left alone so I can clear my head and think about why the man I'm dating just came out to me as another vampire." I spat, glaring accusingly at him. But before either of us could say anything else, I could feel the familiar need building up in the pit of my stomach. Yoongi watched me as my eyes began to turn red, flitting over to his neck and narrowing my eyes at him. Yoongi sighed whenever he met my eyes and stood up.

"I'm not going to give you my blood while you're mad at me."

"Then I guess I'll go take some from someone else in the building." I mumbled, standing up too and quickly rinsing the bubbles off my body as he watched with a blank expression. I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body before I gave him a glare and left the bathroom. He followed after me, quickly moving ahead of me whenever I tried to open the door.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?"

"Why? I'll just end up dirtying my new clothes."

He frowned. "So you're going to go take blood from someone naked?"

"Do you have a problem with that? You aren't even my boyfriend. Why do you care if another man sees me like this?" I spat as I tried to move passed him, but he stepped into my path.

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