Chapter 28

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The next morning, I woke up with a big pain in my back. I groaned, my hand immediately going to my back as I gasped and rolled over, trying to escape the pain in my body.

What the fuck happened last night?

I groaned as my eyes wandered down to my body, taking in my sweats that I don't remember putting on.

But then again, I don't remember anything last night passed the middle of that cartoon--

And where is Yoongi at?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked everywhere for him, but I couldn't see him. I sighed, assuming he must have left my drunk ass in bed after the movie and went back to his room.

I groaned quietly, deciding to forget about him for now and pushed my aching body out of bed, trying to ignore the pain in both my body and throbbing head as I opted to go and take a long bubble bath in the dark.

I drew a quick bath and lit a single candle so I could see a little in the dark, before I sank my body down into the water. But just as my ass hit the porcelain, a sudden flash of a thought came to me.

"F-Fuck--how can you still be this tight?"

I blushed madly whenever Yoongi's raspy voice invaded my thoughts, unsure of where the thought came from, and unsure of whether I wanted it to stay awhile or leave immediately.

I opted for it to leave immediately whenever I heard Yoongi's voice over the intercom groggily say, "Jimin?"

I tried to be casual as I responded, attempting as hard as I could to forget the sound of Yoongi's amazing voice in my head and instead focus on the real Yoongi, not some figment of my fucked up imagination.

"G-Good morning..." I mumbled with a blush, cursing myself for stuttering, but Yoongi didn't seem to notice.

"Good morning, pretty baby."

P-Pretty baby?

"Can I take these off, pretty baby?"

I gasped loudly whenever Yoongi's raspy voice invaded my thoughts again, slapping my hands over my cheeks to cover my blush that Yoongi couldn't even see as I tried to rid my mind of the unholiness.

"What? What's wrong, Jimin? Are you okay?" Yoongi's panicked but groggily, real voice asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay..." I mumbled. "S-Sorry..."

I heard him sigh softly in relief before he mumbled, "It's alright, baby."

"O-Oh..." I mumbled with a blush. "S-So, you..remember anything from last night?"

"Mm? No, not really. I think we just finished the movie and went our separate ways. Why?"

So am I just thinking up these unholy thoughts? Fuck, am I so horny and lonely that I'm dreaming this shit up?

"F-Fuck--me too, baby--!"

I gasped quietly whenever another thought invaded my mind, Yoongi's voice again. But this time, there was an image. My eyes widened whenever a picture of me on all fours with Yoongi and his dick buried deep in my ass clouded my mind. My jaw dropped and I hissed at myself, "S-Stop it, you unholy child!"

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"N-No!" I shouted. "I-I mean--I was just talking to myself." I mumbled sheepishly. "You didn't need to hear anything..."

"Oh. Well...alright." He said, though he didn't sound convinced. I sighed, rubbing my face hard before I relaxed back in the tub, trying to ignore any other unholy thoughts that kept trying to pop up in my head.

Yoongi didn't talk to me anymore, though I could hear quiet shuffling from the intercom as he went about his work. I ended up spending a good hour or two soaking in the bath before I forced myself to get up and out of the bath. I groaned, pushing my body up before I lazily stepped over the rim of the tub, grabbing a towel from the cabinet before I walked into my room, not caring that Yoongi could see me. I changed into a comfortable pair of sweatpants, omitting the shirt. I lazily sat down at a nice little vanity in the room that I'd never batted an eye at before as I combed out my tangled bed head, begrudgingly eyeing the bags under my eyes and my dead looking eyes as my headache continued to persist a bit.

I sighed and was about to get up after combing my hair, but I stopped whenever something caught my attention.

A bite mark.

On my neck?

Two little holes at the side of my neck, pink and irritated like they had been left recently. I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows as my fingers went up to gently touch the bite. I winced whenever my fingers brushed the bite, withdrawing my hand before I tried to remember what the hell had happened last night.

This wasn't there before I left with Yoongi--I know it wasn't. Did someone bite me yesterday? that someone a vampire?

Is there another vampire in the human world?

I shuddered at the thought, standing up quickly before I looked at the camera in the corner of my room. "Hyung!" I called loudly, instantly regretting it whenever the loud noise made my head pound, but tried my best to remain stoic.


"Do you have any CCTV footage for my room? Or the entire building? Of what happened last night?" I asked as I trudged over to my bed and plopped down.

There was a pause before he replied with, "No. If there was then I would have already looked at it to figure things out myself. Sorry, love."

I blushed at the nickname, before I gave him a little nod. "Okay..."

I sighed, before I went to turn off the lights and curled up in bed. "I'm gonna take a nap and see if this headache goes away. Goodnight, hyung."

"Goodnight, baby. I'll go and get and bring you something for your headache later."

"Thank you."


~Yoongi's POV~

I do have CCTV footage. Of the entire building, every nook and cranny, in fact. But...

He doesn't need to see that footage.

I blushed a little as I lazily watched the replay of a specific...moment from last night, resting my chin in my hand as my slightly tilted back head caused my eyes to fall downward and hood. My dick was hard from listening to Jimin's beautiful moans so much over and over--but that was the least of my worries.

I bit him.

I bit Jimin last night in my drunken state, and left a mark on his neck. And from the looks of it, he noticed.

But since he wants to see the CCTV, I'm assuming he doesn't know it was me.

Which is good.

He doesn't need to know the truth.

Not yet.


🤡I had to🤡

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