Chapter 7

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I'll deal with the kid tomorrow--

--Or not.

I sighed whenever I heard a bunch of screams coming from the opened basement door nearby. I ran my fingers through my hair exasperatedly, before I grabbed the nearest tranquilizer off a guard's hip and went towards the basement. Whenever I got downstairs, I groaned in annoyance whenever I saw the cell door where the kid had been held wide open, and the kid was walking towards me. The guard that was supposed to be watching him was knocked out on the floor. Whenever he saw me, he frowned at me.

"Hey! Jerk!" He spat, storming over to me. I raised the tranq gun threateningly, but he didn't bat an eye at it. He stormed right up to me and poked me hard in the chest. "I cannot believe you had the audacity to try and keep me in such a cold, ugly cell! Do you see this gorgeous ass? If I'd of sat on that damn stone slab any longer, it probably would've gotten flat! Do you have any idea how much money I could make off of this gorgeous piece of meat?" He slapped his ass.

I resisted the urge to facepalm. I just sighed, before I asked, "Alright, fine. Where would you like to be confined, your highness? Your room isn't clean yet."

"Oooh. Your highness? I could get used to that. know, I think I would be most comfortable if I got to stay in, mm...say..your room?"

"No. You're not going to stay in my room."

"Why not? I won't do anything you don't want me to!"

"You're not staying in my headquarters, no matter how much havoc you wreck. How did you even get out of that cell?"

"I'm really strong." He giggled with a cute smile. I frowned at the way he said it, scrunching my nose at the way he tried to be cute. "I kicked the door a few times in the right place and it opened."

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair exasperatedly. Before I could say anything though, he bit his lip and said with a smirk, "You're really hot. You know, I'm're hot...I wonder what our babies would look like?"

I frowned in disbelief whenever he wrapped his arms around my neck and stood on his toes, trying to get close enough to kiss me. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away, making him giggle at the contact.

"We're both men. I can't get you pregnant, you little shit."

"Bold of you to think you'd be on top." He said with a little smile.

I frowned at him. "Bold of you to think you'd be on top." I retorted, before I grabbed his wrist and began to pull him up the stairs. "Come on. I'm taking you to a new room. And this time, I want you to stay there and be good. Got it?"

"Will I be rewarded for being a good boy?" He asked with starry eyes. "Anything I want?"

I frowned at him, before I sighed. "If you can be a good boy and not get in any trouble or do anything for the rest of the night and all day tomorrow, I'll give you a choice on some things I'll give you. But only if you behave."

"I'll be the bestest boy!" He said with a little smile. "But...what exactly would the choices be...?"

I huffed. "Some clothes or a game system or something, I guess."

"Ooh! Any clothes I want? Any game I want?"

"Yes. But only if you're good."

"Okay! I'll be a good boy!" He said with a grin as we walked up to the new room. This one had a better camera and speaker set up, which would allow me to better observe him. It also had signals that would trip if he went near the door or the window in the room to notify me. It also had a bathroom, though he was to ask me anytime he wanted to go. Whenever I explained that to him though, he asked, "Why? I can go to the bathroom by myself."

"I'm going to watch you at all times, regardless of what you're doing."

"Oh, so you're going to watch me bathe? Pervert!" He said, though he actually seemed to like the idea. He bit his lip and stared down his own body. "Fine, but you can't watch the first time! I gotta shave and make sure I'm squeaky clean first! I'll take a second bath so you can watch that time!"

I sighed. "I'm not going to watch you bathe. I've got a system in there set up that I can hear you, and a type of gear that will allow me to see you by your body heat."

"But...I don't create body heat." He mumbled, tilting his head.

I frowned. "Your body may be a little cold, but it does generate a temperature. It will pick it up."

"Mm..okay! Fine, I guess you won't get to watch me bathe. Sucks for you, I've got an amazing body. But I can always walk out naked if you really wanna see me."

I shook my head. "Don't. Just don't. Look, kid, I'm not interested in you. So just stop trying."

"That's what the church preacher said an hour before he fucked me in the back room of the chapel." He said, bumping me with his hip before he went into the room and crawled into the bed. I leaned against the wall at the entrance as I watched him get comfortable in the bed, before I turned off the light in the room and left him there, locking the door behind me.

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