Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry son, but you're eighteen. It's time for you to find your own path in this world."

Do humans do this to all of their unwanted young?

I suppressed a hiss as I walked down the street, unsure of what I would do now. After thirteen years of living in the human world, you'd think I would know what the fuck I'm doing.

For starters--I need a place to stay. Once I can find that, I just need to lure people in to feed. I can wipe their memory of everything after that.

Shouldn't be that hard, considering humans find me so attractive. I think they'd have a heart attack if they so much as got to touch me.

I huffed, picking up my speed as I made a mental checklist of things I needed to do.

Find shelter...

A job...

And prepare a place to feed.

It would be nice if I could use the same person over and over to feed on...

That's wishful thinking.

Before I knew it, I was in a library looking at free places to stay. Basic hostels that didn't cost anything, that were meant for low income people. This will work for now. Maybe I can feed a bit on the people there while I'm at it. It isn't like they're providing much to the human society anyway.

Next, is to get a job. I searched all over the internet until I had a ton of applications for basic minimum wage jobs submitted. All I had to do now was hope which, hopefully, would do something for once.

Unfortunately, I felt my stomach beginning to twist and turn a little, as my body grew hungry. I suppressed a hiss as I instinctively wrapped my arms around my stomach and closed my eyes, to cover the glowing redness of them.

Shit, not in public--

I winced in pain and stumbled into a dark alley as night began to fall. I hoped that a kind, poor person would come and see me, and try to help me. So that I could feed on them and end the horrible pain in my stomach. But the likelihood of that was low.

Am I seriously going to die of hunger after all these years struggling to survive the same thing?

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