Chapter 14

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I love all of BTS's smiles, but something about the way Namjoon just lights up and smiles sometimes just warms my heart so much.


⚠️The part where I list facts and information about vampires in the 'Character Introduction' has been updated.⚠️


Before I knew it, four days had passed since I'd spoken to Yoongi. Well, I've screamed at him, but I haven't spoken. Ever since he teased me like that and left me hanging, anytime I so much as hear his voice, I let out an ear piercing scream. The first time he tried, I threatened him. That the next time I saw him, I was going to rip his throat out with my bare teeth. I don't think I scared him, but it has certainly gotten him to leave me alone.

I'm pretty sure the asshole expects me to just get over it.

Unfortunately for him, I'm the type to hold a grudge.


So I thought.

"Jimin." My bedroom door suddenly opened, and the last person I wanted to see right now came walking in. I hissed at him, not even bothering to look over my shoulder at him as I played on my DS. Until he took it from me.

I sent him a cold glare as he slipped the DS into his back pocket and crossed his arms. "You can't be mad at me for forever." He said with an unamused stare. "Come on. You're starting your training today."

"No. I don't think I will." I spat, getting under the covers of my bed. "I think I'll take a nap."

Before my head even hit the pillow, he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the bed, making me fall on my ass. He crouched down beside me and grabbed my jaw tightly, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I wasn't giving you a choice." He spat,  before he yanked me up off the ground. "I'm sick of your attitude. I was dealing with it because I had shit to do, but I'm not gonna tolerate it anymore. I am your boss. You will respect me whether you like it or not. Got it? That's how it is around here. Every man in this building will be loyal to me, no matter what I do to them. Because if they aren't, they'll end up elsewhere. And trust me. You don't want to know what my elsewhere is." He spat as he drug me out of my room.

I stumbled, trying to keep up with his fast pace as he practically drug me to a big double door. He pushed one of the doors open, and shoved me inside. I landed on the floor with a thud, barely catching myself before my face hit the floor. I whipped my head around to yell at Yoongi, but quickly thought otherwise whenever I saw the look on his face. I gulped, obediently standing up and looking around the room. It was empty of people, except for Jungkook who sat to the side watching us with a smirk.

"Didn't know I would be training your cute little ward today." Jungkook's smug voice called out as he stood up and walked across the dojo like room. He stared me down, before he sent Yoongi a smirk. But it was quickly replaced with a serious expression whenever he saw Yoongi's face.

"Cut the shit. You know what I want you to do, so hurry up and do it. If he isn't a black belt in a week's time, we'll see where you both end up." Yoongi spat, before he stormed out of the room.

Jungkook grimaced, before he looked at me. "Well, you heard him. Looks like you and I are gonna be stuck together like glue for the rest of the week."

"What's he gonna do to you? I thought you guys were friends?"

"He's not above hurting his family. His father made him like that." Jungkook said, before he playfully spanked me. "Go get changed in that room over there. We'd better get to work on the fundamentals."


Jungkook paused. "You want me to answer what he'll do to us, right?"

"Well...yeah.." I mumbled.

He smiled at me.


I frowned. "You don't know?"

"No. Only people that've seen what he does...are dead. Cause...they died from it. So the only thing we know is that it's deadly. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to die anytime soon. So let's get to work, okay?"

I gulped, before I obediently nodded.



Why did I say it like it would be so easy?

Midnight rolled around quickly, and I was on the verge of passing out on the matted dojo floor as Jungkook snapped at me to get up. I groaned in pain, my body not being able to handle so much in a matter of twelve hours.

"Get up! We aren't finished!" He hollered. I whimpered out as I tried, but my muscles made me sink back down to the floor. I couldn't even get up. Seeing my weakness, Jungkook clicked his tongue. "Why the fuck are you so weak? Get off your lazy ass and do something!"

"I-I can't..." I whimpered softly. "I c-can't feel anything..."

Jungkook looked pissed at my answer, but before he could belittle me anymore, the door to the dojo opened. Taehyung came inside, holding what looked like two boxed up lunches. Taehyung frowned whenever he saw me laying on the floor with Jungkook standing over me with an angered expression.

"Kookie, what are you doing?" Taehyung scolded. Jungkook's expression softened whenever he saw Taehyung, and he ran his fingers through his sweat soaked hair.

"Training him. Boss's orders."

Taehyung frowned. "But you never train anyone this hard." He mumbled. He walked over to where I laid and carefully helped me to stand. I held onto Taehyung with the last of my strength so I wouldn't fall. He sighed at my weak state, and scooped me off the floor. He held me on his hip, giving Jungkook a glare after seeing the extent of my state. "You're being too hard on him. Can't you see he's tired?"

"Boss's orders. If he isn't a black belt by the end of the week, we're both going elsewhere."

Taehyung seemed to pause at Jungkook's words. He frowned, but shook his head. "I'll get Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung to talk to the boss. For now, he needs to rest. I brought you both dinner." He held out the two boxed lunches for Jungkook to grab. Jungkook did, his eyes lighting up at the thought of food. Both of them caught my cringe though.

"What's wrong? Aren't you hungry?" Jungkook asked with a frown.


"Oh right." Taehyung suddenly mumbled. "Boss said you're a vampire."

"Huh?" Jungkook's eyes widened really wide before he looked at me. "Vampires don't exist, hyung..."

Taehyung shrugged. "Wouldn't that explain Jimin's weirdness though?"

I rolled my eyes at the two. While Taehyung and Jungkook were distracted arguing back and forth, I eyed Taehyung's neck. I leaned forward and was about to bite him, when the dojo door was thrown open.

All three of us tensed up whenever we saw Yoongi coming in. Yoongi frowned whenever he saw the extra, especially when he saw me in his arms. But whenever he saw my fangs so close to Taehyung's neck, he stormed over and ripped me out of his arms. I squealed out in surprise whenever he threw me onto the floor. Both Taehyung and Jungkook winced whenever I hit the mat, especially whenever Yoongi pressed his foot down over my neck.

"If I ever catch you trying to suck any of my adviser's blood again, I will snap your neck. Do I make myself clear?" Yoongi snapped. I couldn't answer though. I choked whenever his foot crushed my windpipe down into the floor. My face began to turn blue as I couldn't breathe. I clutched his ankle, trying to move his foot away from my neck, but that just made him push down harder.

"Do I make myself clear?" He snapped again.

"Y-Yes sir..." I croaked out, tears filling my eyes as my vision started to blacken. Yoongi didn't move his foot though. Not until I had already blacked out on the floor.

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