He used his magic to dump a pile of snow on Frisk. "Hey, you look chilled to the bone." "SANS WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ME!" "Come on Paps, don't give me the cold shoulder." "SANS!" Undyne throws a snowball into Papyrus's eye socket. "Hey Papyrus, never let your guard down." "NYEH!!!!!!!!!" It wasn't even a snowball 'fight' anymore, everyone starts throwing snowballs? at each other. "Achoo!" You just realized you weren't wearing your jacket. "You, ok?" "Ahh!" You were still flustered about earlier, but you did your best to hide it. "S-sans, I didn't see you back there." "It's ok, hun." Why does he call me that though? You started to blush again. "(Y/n)?" "I-I am fine S-sans. It's just cold. If-forgot to wear my jacket." "Here you can have mine. I don't feel cold anyway." "It's ok Sans, I am going to go in anyway." Why can't I make eye contact with him? "Wait for a second hun, what's wrong?" he grabbed your hand and stopped you. You blush even more. "Sans please let me go, I am going to catch a cold." "Heh, you can't escape from me so sneezily." "... Sans that was bad." You laughed at the silly pun anyways. "But you are laughing." He ruffled your hair. "Lets' go inside bonehead. I am freezing." "Hi, freezing I am Sans." You two can't stop laughing. "Achoo!"

"My child, have a cup of hot chocolate to warm you up." Sans brought you a blanket. "Hey, where's mine." "Sorry, Sans I only made one, you can share with (y/n)." "Here Sans, have mine. I am going to help Tori in the kitchen." "Stay right where you are my child, I can manage this on my own. You should accompany Sans." "Yes (y/n), you should accompany me, I feel bonely." "Sans, when did you make that pillow fort?" "When you were talking just now, wanna join? It's cozy in here. By the way, I took a sip out of your hot cocoa. "Sure. You are right, it's very cozy." Papyrus and I used to do this every Christmas, it's like a family tradition." You wrapped yourself with the blanket and drink your hot cocoa. "Pfff, it's so hot. Sans, how did you even drink it." "Maybe because I am way hotter." You didn't know if he was joking or serious, but you laughed anyway. "You bonehead." "Heh."

"By the way Sans, skeletons don't feel hot or cold, but how can they blush." "Magic." "Sans, you always tell me that. Can you give me a real explanation rather than a lazy answer?" "You are always so curious, hun. Why not borrow a book about Monster Anatomy tomorrow?" "Fine." For some reason, the words 'Monster Anatomy' struck you. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Sans, come to think of it. These few months have been the happiest I have been in my whole life." You had some visions of your past, very blurry visions. "Hun... Are you okay? You seemed disturbed." "I'm fine Sans, just feel a little dizzy that's all." You laid your head down on Sans's shoulder. "Maybe you've been in the snow for too long." "..." "(Y/n)? She's ... fast asleep?"

Sans's POV

"WE'RE BA- "Shh." I don't want her to wake up so soon. She looks comfy." "SORRY." "Who wants hot cocoa?" "Thank you Toriel dear." "Sans, how about you?" "I already have a cup." "When did I give you one?" "You told me to share with (y/n) remember?" "I was joking, Sans. By the way, I think you two are really cute together." "Shh Tori, she's going to hear you." "S-she won't Sans, e-even if she d-does, s-she won't say a w-word." She said the last part a bit louder. I glanced at (y/n), she was still asleep. She's been really tired lately. "Aww, that was cute Sans." "Heh, what took all of you so long. "We had a match of volleyball." "In the snow?" "Where else?" Well, that's not the weirdest thing that I have heard before. "Who won?" "No one did since Papyrus lost the ball." "WELL, I AM NOT THE ONE WHO SERVED." "Want a rematch?" "YOU'RE ON. METTATON AND I WILL KICK YOUR ASS." "Yeah." "W-why." "Sans, would you like to replace Aphys?" "I would like to but... I'd love to stay on this couch even more." "Fine, you are coming with me punk," Undyne said while grabbing Frisk. They signaled me for, help, but I shrugged.

"Sans...? " "Sorry hun, didn't mean to wake you up." "No, I am sorry. When did I doze off?" "Quite a long time ago. Geez, kid, you look so tired nowadays. Don't ya get enough sleep at night?" "Look who's talking." "Heh, but seriously kid, you are not the type to doze off so easily." "Maybe because I don't get enough sleep before I fell here and now, I feel like I am oversleeping. To be honest, I never felt better. It's only been a few months, but I feel like I know everyone, for a few years. I do love your company, I love you... I mean all of you." "For a second there, I thought you were confessing to me, but I got my hopes too high." She mumbled something. "What is it, kid? You should speak up a little since I don't have ears." She flinched when I placed my hand on her shoulder. "It's nothing Sans. I just realized... that you are left-handed."

"G-god, the b-both of you d-didn't notice I-I am h-here." "Alphys, you shouldn't have to interrupt them, I wanted to know where their conversation was going." Toriel and Alphys were right here the whole time? "Uhm, I know that you are here and what is wrong with talking with (y/n)" Okay, that was a lie, I feel a bit embarrassed, and I don't know why. I am blushing a little-yeah, nothing is wrong at all." "I d-don't know Sans b-but it looked like that you t-two were in your world." To make this less awkward I asked (y/n) if she wanted to play volleyball. But before she answered, the others already came in. "Darn it Papyrus, you had to lose the ball again, don't you?" "Well, we won fair and square, and someone had to kick the ball too hard until it flew into oblivion." "Well, Frisk should have played more aggressively." "Guys stop fighting. It's Christmas after all." (Y/n) tried to stop the fight. "(Y/n) you're awake." "Of course, I am. Why are you surprised." "WELL (Y/N), YOU LOOKED COMFORTABLE, MAYBE TOO COMFORTABLE."

"Frisk, are you okay? You looked chilled to the bone there buddy." "They are. There you go, Frisk. Toriel, are there any more leftover hot chocolate in the kitchen?" She passed her blanket to Frisk. "There is. I'll bring everyone some right n- "It's okay Tori, I'm on it." She went to the kitchen and came back with cocoa for everyone. "Hey punk, what about another game of volleyball next week. You need more training." "I afraid they can't, Undyne. I am enrolling Frisk for school next year." "Aww, that's a pity." " I-in that case they can c-come and h-hang out at t-the lab after s-school. I can help them with their h-homework." "Yeah, and I can train them right after." "Just don't trash m-my l-lab." "I WANNA JOIN TOO." "Guys, don't you think they will be tired after a long day at school?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LONG DAY, IT'S JUST THREE HOURS." "Wait what, that's quite... short." "W-wait how long does it takes on the surfaces." "About six hours, not including extracurricular activities." "At this rate, it will take ages to get a degree."

"Trust me, I just graduated college." "With a degree, a diploma, a master, a Ph.D. or?" I am a bit curious since she doesn't talk about herself that much. "I don't... remember?" "H-how do you not r-remember?" "What course did you take?" "Maybe she went "I don't remember- " "HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING?" "I don't know Paps, maybe because I hit my head really hard when I fell here? There is no other explanation." "(Y/n) do you have amnesia?" "No... people with amnesia couldn't recall their past or whatever happened recently but I still remember everything that happened today and yesterday. I remember my childhood, but everything is blurry after I attended High School or College." "My child, you remembered how you fell down right?" "I think so, but they were really y visions and I only remember a few names, but I don't know how they look like." Everyone looked concerned, even I am.

"Why the long faces guys. I don't feel sick or anything. We'll figure this out another time kay. Now let's just enjoy this nice evening." She looks cheerful but I can feel something is wrong. "Do you remember any weird events that happened before you went to high school, hun?" She looks ... hurt. "No, nothing weird happened Sans. Wait I just remembered... I wore glasses. Probably broke them during the fall and forgot about them." She acted as she was happy and laughed. "W-wait does t-this help?" "Alphys, I don't think we have the same eye prescription." "These g-glasses are made of m-magic and will adjust according to your eyesight." "Wow, this feels way better. Everything is so clear." "Can I have my glasses back?" "Sure Alphys, I think I don't need them." "W-wow (y/n), I-I feel dizzy wearing this." "Oops, sorry Aphlys. I just recalled that I wore thick glasses when I was on the surface. Somehow, I thought that I already have 20/20 vision when I fell here." "Y-you sure you don't need them?" "Nah I think I am fine without them." I am concerned about her; did she forget or is she faking? I need to have a talk with her after this, she's acting super strange. I tried to lighten up the mood with bad jokes. Heh, they always work. After the others left, Papyrus went to bed. "(Y/n), where are you going?" "To sleep, where else?" "You don't want to talk about it? " "About what?" "I know there is something wrong, but you are not telling me." "Sans, I feel tired. Can I just go?" Sigh, "Fine." I'll talk about this, some other time...  


This chapter is quite long so it is hard for me to check for mistakes. If you think the sentences don't sound right, you can always leave a comment. I would be happy to correct them. 

Stay tuned! ❤

Loved (  Underlust Sans x Reader  )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora