But maybe it's not so bad after all. It's nearly as fun as archery.

As the boys are walking back behind Hoseok, the bubbly Hongjoong can't help but grow more excited at the sight of his friend's relaxed face. It seems like the little scaredy-cat is finally growing.

"You did well today, good job!" he cheers. Seonghwa allows a small smile to creep onto his face. "Thank you, you did too," he shyly returns. The boys gush over their training the entire way to the kitchen, entering alongside Hoseok without even noticing.

A proud smile forms on Hyungwon's lips as he watches them enter, satisfied that everything's going according to his plans. He flashes a look of satisfaction to Hoseok too, the two of them exchanging their emotions without words. Manipulating these children comes easier to them than they thought.

However, Hongjoong's mind races in silence as everyone eats. He continuously glances at his friend, studying his expression. He didn't think he was ready before, but maybe it will be alright to tell Seonghwa the truth after all?

Once everyone's finished eating, the two young boys return to their room. Seonghwa instantly goes to lie down, starting to feel sentimental again. Would his aunt and uncle be feeling too sad right now? He's been gone for nearly a week now, he wonders if they've given up on looking for him. Ever since those few days ago, the police haven't returned to the town to look for him again.

At this rate, his chances of escape keep getting lower.

"Hwa?" Hongjoong's small voice calls out. Seonghwa turns around in his bed to face Hongjoong, who sits alone on the wooden chair in their room. "It's 'Seonghwa'," he simply corrects.

Hongjoong ignores his request and straightens up. "Hwa, these old men are trying to use us because we're young. They're only teaching us how to shoot so they can make us grow up to stay in their gang. You don't want that either, do you?" he asks gently.

Seonghwa's eyebrows furrow and he frowns. He shuffles into a sitting position, this information coming as news to him. "No, I don't. How can we avoid it now though?" he wonders, growing even more sad at the thought of being forced to do bad things for this gang.

"I was thinking...what if we use them for their training they're giving us and then we can leave together when the time is right?"

Seonghwa's eyes fill with a little bit of hope again. "So I can finally see my aunt and uncle again?" he brightly asks, growing more motivated. Hongjoong bursts out with laughter in response, causing Seonghwa's hope to deflate a bit.

"Of course not, you're still staying with me!" he wheezes, laughing even harder at the sight of the tears now welling up in Seonghwa's eyes.

The older boy's shoulders slump. He nearly forgot that even if he's free from this gang, he still has Hongjoong to deal with.

But Hongjoong's words plant a seed of determination in him. Hongjoong's plan sounds good for now, so who is he to disagree? Getting away from one dangerous creep is surely easier than getting away from a whole gang of creeps. He can worry about Hongjoong in the future, getting away from these grown men looks tougher. Especially after hearing what Hoseok did to that man earlier on.

"I'm going to sleep," Seonghwa mumbles grumpily, returning to his previous position on the bed. Now he just feels a bit bitter alongside the familiar solemn emotion.

Hongjoong smiles to himself as he approaches his bed too, but with different thoughts in mind. Once he's out of here, the first thing he's going to do is go back home.

How would Jangmi react when she sees his face again? He hopes she hasn't forgotten him. He can't wait to squeeze her plump cheeks and play with her again. Her loud giggles were nearly a sort of therapy to the boy, the only brightness he experiences in this world. She's the embodiment of purity.

He hopes she didn't get too upset after the passing of their mother.

He restlessly tosses and turns in bed while thinking about all the possibilities. It's been six months since he's seen her last, could she have perhaps gotten a new hairstyle? What if she had a change in personality?

No, she should stay as the sweet and loving girl he remembers her to be. She's so loving that she earns the love she recieves in return. Hongjoong wishes for her to be loved the same way for her whole life.

From now on, he'll visit his sister more frequently. His biggest regret is not spending more time with her in the past, even though he had no choice. But now that he's free, he'll finally get to be the older brother he's always dreamt of being.

It may not be completely safe to return to his town yet. The psychiatric hospital probably know for certain that he's the one who murdered his nurse. If anyone catches sight of him, he'll get into deep trouble and will certainly never see his sister again.

It'll be risky, but he can't wait any longer. He has to at least drop by to say hello. His thoughts take a dark turn when the image of his father's face flashes through his mind, however.

He won't touch his father yet, he can only afford to stop by briefly for Jangmi. His father is safe for now.

For now.

SORRY I FORGOT TO UPLOAD YESTERDAY but I hope everyone has an amazing 2022!!! <3 I'm proud of you for getting through 2021 :)

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