Returning Home

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Somewhere above Sinnoh

Clouds us passed by as we soared through the sky aboard the military grade airplane. Other than the pilot, Elaine and I, the aircraft was empty despite the excess space that we were afforded. So far, the journey had been smooth sailing although the pilot warned us of some upcoming turbulence, although it wasn't anything to be worried about.

The egg Professor Sycamore gave to me hadn't moved at all since we had left Kalos. It was resting to my right, inside the incubator and from what I could see, all of the vitals were reading as they should. There was so much we didn't know about Pokemon eggs so I was hoping to learn something new during the time I spent with this egg until it hatched.

I looked up from my thoughts, turning my gaze to my left. Elaine was peacefully looking out the window and no more than a moment later, I couldn't help but stare at the girl who was sat beside me. She had been quiet for most of the journey, but it was understandable because-

"I wonder how much Sinnoh's changed since last time."

Slowly, she turned away from the glass window, toward me. A calm expression resting on her face as our eyes connected. I processed Elaine's words, realising that almost a decade and a half had passed since she had last been in Sinnoh.

"I'm sure Sinnoh hasn't changed that much. It's still your home after all."

A warm smile appeared on Elaine's face as I spoke. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up so I quickly turned away to look out of the window.

As expected, I could see storm clouds rolling in the distance. Even though we were told that there would only be some mild turbulence, I wasn't too sure anymore. The longer I stared out of the window, the closer the storm clouds were approaching.

However, the pilot was unaware of the encroaching storm, continuing the flight path. I could tell that Elaine hadn't seen the distant cloudburst yet but I didn't want to panic anyone. A standard commercial flight to Sinnoh would take the best part of a day but on this military grade aircraft, that flight time could be halved. Night had already passed us meaning that we should soon be flying over land.

I took a deep breath to compose myself and that was when Elaine noticed something was wrong. She looked over to me, reading my thoughts from my face, understanding the situation. We made eye contact and a simple nod was enough to convey the plan.

Quickly, I turned my attention to the pilot who hadn't spoken a word to us since we departed from Kalos. There hadn't been any messages over the loud speaker meaning we hadn't had any contact with the pilot in nearly twelve hours.

From my seat, I stood up, crouching down to not hit my head on the ceiling. Using the empty seats as handholds, I pulled myself forward toward the cockpit of the plane. Soon enough, I was stood outside the front door so I placed my ear to the door, but there was nothing on the other side. I shook it off, realising the plane's engines would probably drown out everything else.

In one swift motion, I opened the door, revealing the pilot who was still sat in his seat. From over his shoulder, I could see that his hands were still moving, pressing all sorts of buttons. Nothing seemed to be out of place until I leaned closer, looking into the pilot's face.

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