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Samu and I got out of the hospital two weeks ago. We were on bed rest though but Omi and Suna stayed with us the entire time.

I couldn't believe we were in a coma for that long. Three months. Even though I was in a coma, I could hear everything my Omi Omi said to me. When he cried, I just wanted to hug him and kiss his tears away. When he blamed his self, I wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault. When he said he was weak, I wanted to tell him how strong and muscular and hot he looked. When he said he loved me, I wanted to tell the whole world how much I loved him too.

Osamu told me that he could hear Suna talking to him the whole time as well. They were with us the whole way. I'm glad we have them in our life.

"I texted boss and told him what happened." Samu said. "He told us that we don't have to help him anymore as he got new workers but he told us to come visit him sometime."

"Really? I'm gonna miss killing..." I sighed.

"You're never killing again. It's dangerous." Omi said seriously.

"You too. Never do that again." Suna lectured Osamu.

"Hey guys I have a great idea!" I said.


"I didn't even say anything yet Omi?!"

"Go off." Suna said and I smiled since he finally allowed me to say something without saying something mean.

"Let's all move in together!" I say.

"Not a bad idea. I call sleeping with Osamu." Suna said causing Samu to blush.

"Samu don't moan to loud, I want to be able to sleep at night" I teased.

"Shut yer trap, I'm pretty sure yer the loud one here." He said throwing a pillow at me.

"Don't worry I'll make sure Samu is loud enough just so you can't sleep Atsumu cause that's how much I care for you." Suna said.

"Omi back me up!"

"Um what am I suppose to say" Omi said looking up from his phone.

"I don't know roast Suna or something." I said.

"Really now? Atsumu can't think of a comeback? Gotta ask daddy Omi Omi to help???" Suna teased.

"Shut yer trap Suna or I'll take Samu away from ya." I threatened.

"Piggy would never leave me." He said and I mentally smirk. I know how Samu works.

"Hey Samu? Wanna go get some food tomorrow? It will be my treat?" I say. Samu looks up and nods.
Easy clap.

Suna had the most betrayed expression. "Piggy we were suppose to go on a date tomorrow."

"Oh but it's free food?" Samu said and I smirk in victory.

"Who said I wasn't gonna buy you food?" Suna says.

"Well I'm gonna buy him more" I retorted.

"Guys stop. I'm losing brain cells for every word that comes out of your mouths." Omi said.

"Aww don't be like that Omi. Don't ya love me?"

"Unfortunately" Samu said and I glare at him.

"Yer not Omi."

"That's right. I'm the better twin and who are ya?" Samu asked.

"What I'm the better twin. Tell him Omi." I crossed my arms.

"Well Atsu is my boyfriend so yeah he's better I guess..."

"Well Osamu is my boyfriend so obviously he's better." Suna said.

"What would you guys do without us" I laughed but the air around me became more tense.

"Never leave us again." Omi said.

"Even if you do. Always comeback to us safe." Suna says before pulling Samu onto his lap.

I looked over at Osamu and he seemed to be thinking what I was thinking.

"We will never leave you guys again. We will stay strong for you guys and we will always be here for you guys just like you were there for us."

"We promise"

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